Position Data Page

The Position Data Page provides a quick reference for the important data you want to show while navigating a route in Aviation and Marine Modes. The default page shows a compass ribbon, your current latitude and longitude, the current date and time, the location you are in reference to the nearest landmark, and eight user- selectable data fields. The compass ribbon is shown at the top of the page to show your current heading with a red, vertical bar. To stay on course, steer toward the violet bar (or arrows) until it is aligned with the red bar.

Press PAGE repeatedly to open the Position Data Page.

Position Data Page

Airport is selected as the Nearest Type. The Johnson Co Executive (KOJC)

airport is the nearest airport, and you are 4.0 nm NW of KOJC.

Position Data Page Options

With the Position Data Page open, press MENU to open the options menu. You can set up the layout of the page and change the data fields. For an explanation of the data fields, refer to page 148 in the “Appendix.” You can also select one of the following options:

Change Nearest Type—allows you to specify the type of item to be used as the nearest item (shown in the lower-left data field). The choices differ based on the Usage Mode you are currently using. Choose Automatic to allow the unit to pick the appropriate type of landmark for your present location.

Reset Trip—clears trip information, except the maximum speed and the odometer.

Reset Max Speed—clears the maximum speed.

Reset Odometer—clears the running total of the distance traveled since the odometer was last reset.

Reset All—clears all trip information including the maximum speed and odometer.


GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide