GPS Tab Options

Press MENU two times to open the Main Menu. Use the ROCKER to highlight GPS. Press MENU to open the options menu:

GPS Tab Options Menu

Start/Stop Simulator—starts and stops Simulator Mode, which is helpful when learning how to use your unit.

Enable/Disable WAAS—enables or disables WAAS capability. Refer to page 139 of the “Appendix” for more information.

Track/North Up Skyview—orients the sky view page on the GPS tab to North Up or Track Up.

New Altitude—allows you to manually enter your altitude.

New Location—allows you to enter a new location automatically or using the map. When in Aviation Mode, you can enter the airport identifier.

GPS Tips

While the receiver is gathering information, your location on the map can show as different from where you actually are located. Be patient; as soon as the receiver gathers enough satellite information, your proper location is shown on the map.

Any time you have traveled more than 600 miles with the GPS receiver turned off, the receiver can take longer than normal to initialize and find your location.

The GPS receiver can lose satellite signals due to interference from such items as buildings, tunnels, and heavy tree cover. Monitoring the GPS status is recommended.

To learn about GPS, refer to “Learning about GPS” on page 138.


GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide