Terrain Page

The Terrain Page, available only in Aviation Mode, provides an overhead view of the terrain and obstacles beneath you. Alert windows appear on all pages to inform you of your proximity to the terrain and obstacles, as well as an unsafe descent rate. These alerts depend on user-defined parameters in the Terrain setup.

Red Terrain


Yellow Terrain

area: terrain


area: terrain

within 100 feet


between 100

of aircraft


and 1000 feet of



the aircraft











Terrain Page

Obstacle Information

Obstacles are shown on the Terrain Page at or below the map range of 12 nm. Obstacles are also shown on the Map Page when the map range is set to 3 nm or below.

Standard aeronautical chart symbols are used for lighted or unlighted obstacles taller than 200 feet Above Ground Level (AGL). Refer to the Obstacle Icons legend below.

Lighted Obstacle 1000 ft AGL and higher.

Unlighted Obstacle 1000 ft AGL and higher.

Lighted Obstacle below 1000 ft AGL.

Unlighted Obstacle below 1000 ft AGL.

Obstacle Icons

Terrain Information

The areas of the terrain shaded red are predicted to be within

100 feet below or above the aircraft. The yellow terrain areas are between the user-defined Caution Elevation and 100 feet below the aircraft. By default, the Caution Elevation is 1000 feet; therefore, the areas in yellow are between 1000 feet and 100 feet below the aircraft. The black areas are further than the Caution Elevation. A projected point of impact is marked with an “X” symbol.

Each obstacle is labeled with the altitude of the top of the obstacle, or Mean Sea Level (MSL). Each obstacle also lists, in parentheses, the actual height of the obstacle, or Above Ground Level (AGL).

Terrain and Obstacle Color Code

Red—terrain or obstacle is within 100 feet of the aircraft.

Yellow—terrain or obstacle is between the user-defined Caution Elevation and 100 feet below the aircraft.


GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide