
If you are on another page of the GPSMAP 296 unit, Terrain, Obstacle, and Descent Rate Alerts show in the lower left-hand corner to inform you of the situation. The alert remains on the screen until the flight path has cleared the obstacle or terrain, or until you press QUIT.

Additional Terrain Page Options

Access the Terrain Page options menu by pressing MENU while you are on the Terrain Page.

Obstacle Warning

Shown on the Panel Page

Terrain Page Options Menu

Press ENTER to quickly declutter the map, just as you would on the Map Page. See page 32.

To quickly disable alerts, highlight Disable Alerts and press ENTER. Repeat to enable alerts again.

You can pan the map and zoom in and out using the same techniques you use on the Map Page. See page 29.

You can change the layout of the Terrain Page. Refer to page 36. Also, refer to the “Appendix,” page 148, for information about the data fields.

GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide