Com 1 and Com 2 Sub Tabs

The Com 1 and Com 2 sub tabs controls the input/output format used when connecting your unit to external devices. To open the Com 1 and Com 2 sub tab, press MENU twice to open the Main Menu. Select Setup from the vertical tab list. Highlight and select the Serial Data Format you want.

Interface Sub Tab

Serial Data Format—sets the data format to one of the following:

Garmin Data Transfer—the proprietary format used to exchange data with a PC or another Garmin GPSMAP 296. Garmin Data Transfer is disabled when the USB is connected and the unit automatically switches to USB format. When the USB is disconnected, the USB field changes to Transfer Mode.

GARMIN DGPS—used to connect the GPSMAP 296 with a Garmin DGPS beacon receiver.

Garmin Remote Sonar—supports the input/output of a Garmin remote sonar device.

NMEA In/NMEA Out—supports the input/output of standard NMEA 0183 version 3.01 data and sonar NMEA input support for the DPT, MTW, and VHW sentences.

Aviation In—the proprietary format used for connection to a Garmin panel-mounted GPS receiver. Allows the GPSMAP 296 to show a Go To or route selected on the panel-mounted GPS receiver. This eliminates the need to enter the destination on both units.

RTCM In—allows Differential GPS (DGPS) input using a standard RTCM format.

RTCM In/NMEA Out—allows Differential GPS (DGPS) input using a standard RTCM format and also provides NMEA 0183 version 3.01 output.

RTCM In/Text Out—allows Differential GPS (DGPS) input using a standard RTCM format and also outputs simple text data that includes, data, time, location, and velocity.


GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide