To set a persistent alarm:

1.Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.

2.Use the ROCKER to select the Alarms tab.

3.Highlight the box next to the alarm you would like to make persistent (for example, Next Turn).

4.Press ENTER to place a check mark in the Persist box.

When an alarm goes off, it sounds until you acknowledge the alarm message by pressing ENTER.

Airspace Alarms Sub Tab (Aviation Mode Only)

Class B, CTA; Class C, TMA; Towers, Cntrl Zones; Restricted, ADIZ; MOAs; Mode C Veils; Other SUAs—enables and disables the alarms. Select On to enable or Off to disable.

Altitude Buffer—sets the buffer for the altitude alarm. Highlight the Altitude Buffer field, and press ENTER to select a different value. Use the ROCKER to select the digits.

Navigation (Nav) Alarms Sub Tab

Next Turn—sets an alarm to indicate next turn in route. Select Off for no Next Turn alarm. Select Dist to enter a specific distance. For example, if you enter 1 nm, the Next Turn alarm sounds one nautical mile before you reach the next turn. Select Time to enter a specific time before the turn for the alarm to go off. For example, if you enter 00:02:00 the Next Turn alarm sounds two minutes before you reach the next turn. Select Auto for the unit to provide a Next Turn alarm at its discretion.

Arrival—sets an alarm to sound when you are a specified distance or time away from a destination waypoint. Select Off for no Arrival alarm. Select Dist to enter a specific distance. Select Time to enter a specific time before the destination for the alarm to go off. Select Auto for the unit to provide an Arrival alarm at its discretion.

Off Course—sets an alarm to sound when off your course. Select On, then enter a distance.

Anchor Drag—sets an alarm to sound when you have exceeded a specified drift distance. Select On, and then enter a distance.

Airspace Alarms Tab


GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide