
You can use the scroll wheel on the mouse to move through a document. This feature is not available in all programs.


Do this...





Move the pointer



Move the mouse around. If you



on the screen



reach the edge of your mouse




pad and need to move the




mouse farther, lift the mouse




and place it in the middle of the




mouse pad, then continue




moving the mouse.




Select an object



Position the pointer over the

on the screen



object. Quickly press and




release the left mouse button.




This is called clicking.





Start a program or open a file or folder

Position the pointer over the object. Quickly press and release the left mouse button twice. This is called double-clicking.

Access a


Position the pointer over the

shortcut menu


object. Quickly press and

or find more


release the right mouse button



once. This is called

about an object



on the screen.






Move an object


Position the pointer over the


on the screen.


object. Press the left mouse



button and hold it down. Move



(drag) the object to the



appropriate part of the screen.



Release the button to drop the



object where you want it. This is



called clicking and dragging.




For more information about how to adjust the double-click speed, pointer speed, right-hand or left-hand configuration, and other mouse settings, see the “Customizing” chapter in your online User Guide. For instructions on how to clean the mouse, see “Cleaning the mouse” on page 85.