programs 185, 212
scanner 184
software 185, 212
Windows 214
removing files and folders 56, 65, 66,
75, 196
renaming files and folders 75
See installing
resetting tablet PC 27
changing 152
restarting tablet PC 27
Restoration CDs 208
restoring files and folders 65
right-clicking 28, 38
display orientation 161
tablet in FlexDock 232
router 170, 171
caring for computer 189
general precautions 18, 20, 267
guidelines for troubleshooting 238
static electricity 221
saving documents 72
See Error-checking
installing 41, 184
USB port 7, 228, 229
scanning drive
for errors 198
for viruses 193
Scheduled Tasks Wizard 201
adjusting settings 151
changing color depth 151
changing number of colors 151
changing resolution 152
resolution 111
saver 157
troubleshooting 242, 260
screen objects
getting information 38
moving 38
selecting 38
Scroll Lock
status indicator 35, 36
system key 35
Search utility 68
for files and folders 66, 68, 181
in Help and Support Center 48
security button 3, 4
security features
Kensington cable lock 9
security while travelling 146
serial number 11, 12, 146
setting up
safety precautions 268
devices 167
drives 166
Internet connection 166
printer 167
See also networking
shortcut menus
accessing 38
adding to desktop 58
closing programs 75
closing windows 75
copying 75
cutting 75
deleting files and folders 75
keyboard 75
opening menu 38
pasting 75
renaming files and folders 75
selecting adjacent items in list 75
selecting items in list 75
switching between files, folders, or
programs 75