Accessory Definitions (cont’d)
Notes: - If S2 Frequency is less than S1 Frequency, display will show a series of (- - - -
-If S2 Frequency is greater than S1 Frequency, display will show a series of (+++++…..) symbols.
-The number of
-If S1 and S2 Frequencies are identical, the
display will show a series of alternating symbols (++++…)- - - - which also indicate the
approximate out of phase degrees
In the event that the Sources do not come within 7 electrical degrees of each other within 60 seconds, the unit will display the message: SYNCH CHECKING and will allow the user to BYPASS. If the BYPASS button is pressed, the unit will display the message: WARNING MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE LOAD. Pressing XFR will actually bypass the R50. Since R50 is a passive device, the length of time it takes to reach Synchronism is de- pendent on the frequency difference between the two Sources. Source 1 is usually a Utility and the frequency is not within the control of the consumer. Source 2 needs to be adjusted to create an adequate difference in order for the transfer to happen a timely fashion.
Note: For optimum performance, Source 2 Generator should be adjusted a Maximum of 2 Hertz above or below the Utility frequency, minimum of 0.1 Hertz. (58 to 59.9) or
(60.1 to 62) Hertz. Adjustment of Generator to 60Hertz could cause lengthy transfer delay.
R50 Feature can be turned ON or OFF via CFG Menu (see page 17). Factory Default if OFF.
Auto / Semi Manual selector
In "Auto" position, retransfer to Source 1 is automatic after the T timer has timed out. The T time delay is bypassed if Source 2 fails.
In "Manual", retransfer to Source 1 is upon depression of BYPASS DELAY button YEN or if Source 2 fails.
Auto / Manual Selector
In "Auto" position, the Automatic Transfer Switch functions automatically as specified with the Switch drawings.
In "Manual" the Automatic Transfer Switch will transfer to either direction upon depression of Source 1 or Source 2 transfer buttons.
Should Source 1 fail, the Generator (Source 2), will automatically start. Once transferred in Manual, the Switch maintains position selected even if selected power fails.
Transfer Commit. Configured via CFG menu. (see page 17) When this Feature is set to OFF:
The transfer Switch is not committed to transfer unless the outage duration is longer than the timers that precede the transfer to Source 2 position. This assumes that the outage will be an isolated event. When this Feature is set to ON: The transfer Switch is committed to transfer to Source 2 position once the W timer has begun timing, even if Source 1 power returns before the transfer to Source 2. This is to ensure that the transfer takes place, because one outage may be followed by another.
Test / Auto / Source 1 Selector, Door mount
Auto/Off/Start Engine control selector, Door mount (Keyed or
Auto / Off Engine control selector, Door mount (Keyed or
Source Priority Selector Switch, Door mount
Allows selection of Source 1 or Source 2 to be the Prime Source. Transfer Switch will transfer to selected Prime Source if that Source is available. (Keyed or
Time Delay (S1) Source 1 Stable Timer. To delay trans- fer to Source 1 (immediate retransfer on Source 2 fail- ure). Adjustable
Standard setting is 30 minutes. Adjust via SET menu (see page 18)
(S2) Source 2 Stop Delay Timer. Allows Engine to run unloaded after switch retransfer to Source 1. Adjustable
Universal Motor Load Disconnect Circuit: Auxiliary Contact opens
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