GE JGBP24GE bveling theRange, Flooring Under theRange, @Donotuse oveneieanemNo, CieaningYourRa~e

Models: JGBP24GE

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Bating, Brofli~ and

burnersandcreatea firehaz~rd. @If yousmellgas,turnoffthe

gasSUPPIYto the rangeandcalla qualifiedservicetechnicianNever. useanopenffametoIocate leak.

Bating, Brofli~ and


~Donot useovenfor a storage mea.

@S~nd awayfrom the range whenopeningthedoorofahot oven.Thehotairorstem whichescapescancauseburns tohan&9faceand/oreyes. @p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~s~~~~

positionwhileovenis cool.

@filling outshelftothe shelfstopis a eonveIIiencein liftingheavyfoods.It isalsoa precautionagainstburnsfrom touchinghotsurfacesofthe

~ Don9theat unopenedfood

Containers inthe oven. Pressure

couldbuildup andtheContiiner

Couidburst Causing an injllrya

pancancatchfireifovenisused withoutremovingthegreasefrom thebroilerpan.

@Whenbroiling$if n]eatis too closetotheflame,thefatmay ignite.Trimexcessfattoprevent excessiveflare-ups,

@Makesure broilerpanisin placecorrectlytoreducethe


~If youshould havea grease


oven,andkeepovendoorclosed tocontainfireuntilit burnsout.

@Donotcleanthe door gasket. Thedoorgasketisessentialfora goodseal.Becarefulnottorub, damageor moveit.

@Donotuse oveneieanemNo .

commercialovencleaneror oven linerprotectivecoatingofany kindshouldbeusedinor around anypartoftheoven.

a R~move the broiIerpan and

other cookwarebeforeself- cleaningtheoven.


@Clean only partslistedinthis UseandCareBook.

@Keeprangecleanandfree of accumulationsofgreaseor spilloverswhichmayigdte.

Flooring Under theRange

Your range, like so many other llousellold items, is heavy and ea~~settle into soft floor coveri~lgs such as cushioned vinyl or carpeting. ~Nhenmovingthe range on this type of flooring, use care,

Do not ins~ll the range over kitclleil carpeting unless you place an insulatingpad or sheetof l/4-inch-thick plywoodbetween the range and carpeting,

menthe floor covering endsat the~ront o~the range, the area that the range will rest on should be built up with plywoodor similar material to the same level or higher than the floor covering. This will allow the range to be moved for cleaning or servicing.

bveling theRange

Leveling legs are located on each corner of the base of the range. Removethe bottom drawer (on models so equipped) and you can levelthe range on an uneven floor

To remove drawer, pull drawer out all the way9tilt up the front and hke it Olat.To replace wwer~ insert glides at back of drawer beyond stop on range glides. Lift drawer if necessary to insert easily. Let front of drawer down, then push into close.

Both of the rear leveling legs will engage the Anti-Tipdevice (allow for some side to side adjustment).

Allow a minimum clearance of 1/8” between the range and the leveling legstopermit installation into the Anti-Tip device.


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GE JGBP24GE warranty bveling theRange, Flooring Under theRange, @Donotuse oveneieanemNo, Bating, Brofli~ and Rowbg