




firesNeverpickup. a flaming pan.Turnoff’burner,then smotherflamingpanbycovering pancompletelywitha well-fitting lid, cookiesheetor aflattray. Flaminggreaseoutsidea pancan beputoutbycoveringwithbaking sodaor,ifavailable,multi- purposedrychemicalor foam-type fireextinguisher.

e DQ~~~~~~~~fla~~~~~~

materialsin an Ovenor near the Cooktop,Donot storeor use gasolineor other flammable Vapn Wdliqti& h the tictity ofthis or allyother appliance.

@DonotletcooMnggrease orotherflammablematerials accwdak inornearthermge.

@when eootingperkyfollow thedirectionsexactlyandalways cookthemeattoaninternal temperatureofatleast170”F. Thisassuresthat,in theremote possibilitythattrichinamaybe presentinthemeat,it willbe killedandmeatwillbesafetoeat.


9Alwaysusethe LITE position whenignitingtop burners and makesuretheburnershaveignited. @~~~~~~~~~~s~~f~~~~~~~~~s

unattendedat high flame settings.Boilovercauses smokingandgreasyspillovers thatmaycatchon fire.

QAd*justtop burner name size so it doesnot extendbeyondthe edgeofthe cookware,Excessive flameishazardous.

*Tominimizethe possibility ofburns,ignitionofflammable materials,andspillage,turnthe cookwarehandlestowardtheside or backoftherangewithout extendingoveradjacentburners,

@Alwaysturn surfaceburner ContmktoOBTbeforeremoving cookware.

@carefully watchfoombeing friedat HI flamesetting. @~~~~~~]~~~~~~~~~~f~~~ openings)oftherange.They providetheairinletandoutlet whichisnecessaryfortherange tooperateproperlywithcorrect combustion,

&~~ ~Qg~~~~~~~~~~~~ coo~ngsMrfaceif the wokhas

aroundmem~ring whichis p~aeedoverthe burner grateto supportthe wok,Thisringacts asaheattrapwhichmaydamage theburnergrateandburnerhead. Also,it maycausetheburnerto workimproperlyThismaycause. a carbonmonoxidelevelabove thatallowedbycurrentstandards, resultingin ahealthhazard.

@floodsfor fryingShouldbe 8s dry as possible.Frostonfrozen foodsor moistureonfreshfoods cancausehotfattobubbleupand oversidesofpan.

@Useleastpossibleamountof fat for effectiveshallowor deep” fat frying.FiUingthepantootill offatcancausespilloverswhen foodisadded.

@If a combinationofoilsor fafi willbe usedin frying9stir togetherbeforeheating,or as fatsmeltslowly.

GAIwaysbeat fat slowly9and watchas it heats.

o USedeep fat thermometer wllemeverpossibletoprevent overl~eatingfatbeyondthe smokingpoint.

*Useproperpansi~e—Avoid pansthatareunstableoreasily ~ippedSelectcookwarehavi~g. flatbottomslargeenoughto properlycontainfoodavoiding boiloversandspillovers,andlarge enoughtocoverburnergrate. Thiswillbothsavecleaningand preventhazardousaccumulations Gffood,sinceheavyspatteringor spilloversleftonrangecanignite. Usepanswithhandlesthatcanbe easilygraspeda~]dremaincool,


makesureit isdesignedfortop- of-rangecooking.




@Donot!eaveplasticitemson the cooktop–theymaymeltif

lefttooclosetothevent. -

@Donot leaveanyitemson the cooktop.Thehotair fromthe ventmayigniteflammableitems andwillincreasepressurein closedcontainers,whichmay causethemtoburst.

eDonotplaceanyflammable materials9such aspotholders or paper hoxes~ontheCooktop.

Anytimetheovenorbroileris turnedon, hotairis exhausted throughthe ovenvent.Thishot air cancauseflammable materialsto ignite.














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GE JGBP24GE warranty SurfacecQoH~, Whenusinggiasscookware

JGBP24GE specifications

The GE JGBP24GE is a well-engineered gas range that combines reliability with modern cooking technologies, making it a popular choice for home chefs. This model is designed to cater to a variety of cooking needs, with features that enhance versatility and efficiency in the kitchen.

One of the standout features of the GE JGBP24GE is its spacious oven capacity, offering 4.8 cubic feet of total cooking space. This generous size allows users to cook multiple dishes at once, which is especially useful for entertaining or preparing family meals. Additionally, the oven is equipped with a standard viewing window and an interior oven light, enabling cooks to monitor their food without needing to open the door and release heat.

The cooktop of the GE JGBP24GE features four sealed burners, which include two high-output burners for rapid boiling and high-heat cooking, and two standard burners for everyday use. The sealed design not only helps contain spills but also makes cleaning easier, ensuring that the cooktop remains in good condition over time. Each burner is adjustable, allowing for precise temperature control, which is essential for achieving perfect results when sautéing, simmering, or boiling.

This model also incorporates a powerful broiler, offering a great option for browning and crisping dishes. With an adjustable broil setting, cooks can easily select the right heat level for their specific needs. Furthermore, the GE JGBP24GE supports the convenience of self-cleaning, which saves time and effort by reducing manual scrubbing and ensuring a hygienic cooking environment.

In terms of construction, the GE JGBP24GE stands out with its durable stainless steel finish, which not only adds a modern aesthetic to the kitchen but also resists fingerprints and smudges, making maintenance straightforward. The range features heavy-duty oven racks that are designed to support a variety of cookware sizes, and they can be easily adjusted based on the height of the food being prepared.

Moreover, the GE JGBP24GE is designed with user-friendly controls, including easy-to-read knobs and a simple ignition system. This ensures that users can quickly adjust settings and lights up the burners without hassle. The combination of these features and technologies makes the GE JGBP24GE a reliable companion for cooking enthusiasts, whether they are whipping up a weeknight dinner or baking a holiday feast. Overall, this model reflects GE's commitment to quality and innovation in home cooking appliances.