O\Tenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith

iimild abrasive cleanser following manufacturer’sdirections. After cleaning.rinse the sheiveswith clean water and dry with a dry cloth. To removeheavy,burned-onsoil, soapy metalpads maybe usedfollowing manufacturer’sdirections.After scrubbing,washwithsoapywater, rinseanddry.

Bmik Pall 6%Rack

Afterbroiling,removethebroiler rackandcarefullypour off the grease.Washand rinsethe pan andrackin hot, soapywater.

If foodhas burnedon, sprinkle thebroilerrack whilehot with detergentand coverwith wetpaper towelsor a dish cloth. That way, burned-onfoodswillsoak loose whilethe mealis beingserved.

notstorea soiledbroilerpan rackin the ovenor broiler


Before replacing any light bulb, disconnect electric power to the range at the main fuse or circuit breaker paneL Let the bulb cool completelybeforeremovingit. Do

not touch a hot bulb with a damp cloth—thebulb will break.

Thelightbulb in yourmm is locatedinthe upperrightcorner. Reachin and unscrewit aftertaking precautionsmentionedabove. Replaceit with a high-temperature




Thetemperaturecontrolinyour newovenhas beencarefullyadjusted to provideaccuratetemperatures. However,if thisovenhas replaced oneyouhaveusedfor severalyears, youmaynoticea differencein the degreeof browningor the length of timerequiredwhenusingyour favoriterecipes.Oventemperature controlshavea tendencyto “drift” overa periodof yearsandsince thisdrift is verygradual,it is not readilynoticed.Therefore,you mayhavebecomeaccustomedto yourpreviousovenwhichmay haveprovideda higheror lower temperaturethanyouselected.

Beforeattemptingto havethe temperatureofyournewoven changed,be sureyouhavefollowed thebakingtimeandtemperatureof the recipecarefully.Then, after youhaveused theovena fewtimes andyoufeeltheovenis toohot

or toocool, thereis a simple adjustmentyoucanmakeyourself on theOVENTEMPknob.

Pull the knob off the control shaft and look at the back side. There is a disc in the center of the knob skirt with a series of notcheson the inner edge next to the knob shafi. One of these notches is positioned over a pointer on the side of the knob shall.



Note position of



pointer to notches



before adjustment













\. -.


. Loosen onlv the

locking scr~ws

Notewhichno[chthepointeris locatedin. Tomakean adjustment, carefullyloosen(approximately oneturn), butdo notcompletely removethe twoscrewsthatholdthe skirtto the knob.Holdthe knobin onehandand withtheotherhand carefullytilttheskirtuntilthe notch in thediscclearsthepointeron the

knobshaft. .

Toraisetheoventemperature,turn the dial in thedirectionof the arrowfor “Raise~’Tolowerthe temperature,turnthe dial in the directionof arrowfor “Lower~’ Eachnotchwillchangetheoven temperatureapproximately25”F.

Wesuggestthatyoumakethe adjustmentonenotchfromthe originalsettingandcheckoven performancebeforemakingany additionaladjustments.

Afterthe adjustmentis made,make surethepointeron the knobshaft is alignedwiththenotchin thedisc. Press skirtandknobtogetherand retightenscrewsso theyare snug, butbe carefulnotto overtighten.

Re-installknobon rangeand checkperformance.Note:After an adjustmenthasbeenmadethe “Off” and “Broil”positionswill notlineup withthe indicatormark on the controlpanelas they previouslydid. Thiscondition

is normalandwill notcreate a problem.

(continued netipage)


Page 13
Image 13
GE JGKC16GEH, JGKC15GEH, JGKS15GEH, JGKM5GEH manual Tenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith, Knobshaft

JGKM5GEH, JGKS15GEH, JGKC16GEH, JGKC15GEH specifications

The GE JGKC15GEH, JGKC16GEH, JGKS15GEH, and JGKM5GEH are an innovative line of kitchen appliances produced by General Electric, a brand synonymous with quality and reliability in home appliances. These models represent the intersection of modern technology and functional design, catering to the needs of contemporary kitchens.

The JGKC15GEH and JGKC16GEH are versatile kitchen ranges that stand out with their advanced cooking capabilities. These gas ranges feature a unique convection system that promotes even cooking through better heat circulation. Home cooks can enjoy precise temperature control thanks to the integrated oven thermostat, which ensures dishes are cooked to perfection.

Both the JGKC15GEH and JGKC16GEH come equipped with a powerful burner system that allows for fast heating, making boiling, frying, and sautéing more efficient. These ranges often include a variety of burner sizes, providing versatility for different cooking methods. Their high-output burners are especially useful for quickly searing or browning ingredients.

The JGKS15GEH model is designed specifically for those who prioritize sleek aesthetics and functionality. Its stainless steel finish not only delivers a modern look but also ensures durability and ease of cleaning. This model features a self-cleaning oven, which allows users to maintain hygiene without the hassle of manual scrubbing.

In contrast, the JGKM5GEH is a compact range perfect for smaller kitchens or apartments. Despite its size, it doesn’t compromise on features, offering essential cooking technologies such as dual ovens, allowing simultaneous preparation of multiple dishes. This model is not only space-efficient but also energy-efficient, making it a great choice for eco-conscious consumers.

All four models incorporate advanced safety features, including automatic shut-off systems and flame failure detection, ensuring peace of mind while cooking. Additionally, with easy-to-use controls and digital displays, these appliances cater to cooks of all skill levels.

In summary, the GE JGKC15GEH, JGKC16GEH, JGKS15GEH, and JGKM5GEH exemplify modern cooking technology with their array of features, user-friendly designs, and enhanced safety measures. They are ideal choices for anyone seeking to elevate their culinary experience while enjoying the reliability that comes with the GE brand. These ranges not only meet the demands of everyday cooking but also inspire creativity in the kitchen.