utensil Tips (continued)
3.Deep Fat Frying. Do not overfill kettle with fat that may spill over when adding food. Frosty foods bubble vigorously. Watch foods frying at HIGH temperatures and keep range and hood clean from accumulated grease.
ifs%i%- —.
Fried Chicken
Pan broiled bacon
Sautee~: Less tender thin steaks (chuck, round, etc.); liver; thick or whole fish
| Directions and Setting |
Container | to Start Cooking |
Covered | HI. Melt fat. Switch to MEIl |
Skillet | HI to brown chicken. |
Uncovered | H1. In cold skillet arrange |
Skillet | bacon slices, Cook just |
| until starting to sizzle. |
Covered | H]. Melt fat. Switch to MED |
Skillet | to brown slowly. |
Setting to Complete Cooking
LOW. Cover skillet and cook until tender. Uncover last few minutes.
MED HI. Cook, turning o\,cr as needed.
LOW. Cover and cook until tender.
For crisp dry chicken, cover only af!er switching to LOW for !0 min. Uncover and cook turning occasionally 10 to 20 min.
Meat may be breaded or mari- nated in sauce before frying.
Simmered or stewed | Covered | HI. Cover meat with water | |||
meat; chicken: corned | Dutch Oven, | and cover pan or kettle. | |||
beef; smoked pork; | Kettle or | Cook until steaming. | |||
stewing beef; tongue; | Large |
| |
etc. |
| Saucepan |
Small | WM. Allow 10 to 15 min. to | ||||
butter, |
| Covered | melt through. Stir to | ||
marshmaNows | saucepan. | smooth. |
| ||
| Use small |
| surface unit |
Pancakes | or | Skillet or | MED | HI. Heat skillet 8 to | |
French toast | Griddle | 10 min. Grease lightly. | |||
Pasta |
Noodles or spaghetti | Covered | HI. In covered kettle, bring | |||
| Large KettIe | salted water to a boil, | ||
| or Pot | uncover and add pasta | ||
| slowly so boiling docs not | ||
| stop, |
Pressure | Cooking | Pressure | H]. Heat until | first jiggic is | |
| Cooker or | heard. |
| Canner |
Puddings, | Sauces, | Uncovered | H1. Bring just | to boil. | |
Candies, | Frostings | Saucc~an |
Vegetables | Covered | HI. Measure YZto | |||
Fresh |
| Saucepan | water in suucepan, Add | ||
| salt and prepared vcgc- | ||
| tablc, | In covered saucepan | |
| bring | to boil. |
F“rozen |
| Covered | HI. Measure water and salt | ||
| Saucepan | as abcwc. Add frozen biock | ||
| of vegetable, in covcrcd | ||
| saucepan bring to boil, | ||
%uteeci: Onions; | Uncovcrcd | H 1. In skillc[ melt fat. | |||
green peppers: mush- | Skillet |
| |
rooms; celery: etc. |
| .— |
| ||
| ||
Rice and Grits | Ccwcrcd | Hi. f3ring Silltc(lw~t~l”toii | |||
| % ucepan | boi 1, |
LOW. Cook until fork tender. (Water should slowly boil). For very large loads medium heat may be needed.
Cook 2 to 3 min. per side.
M ED H]. Cook uncovcrcd
until tender, For large amounts HI maybe
nccdcd to keep water at rolling boil throughout entire crmking timc,
MED HI for f’oociscooking 10 min. or less. MED for foods over 10 min.
1.OW. To finish cooking.
MED. Cook
LOW. Cook according to time on package,
MED. Add VC~Ct:ibiC,
Cook until desired tcn- durncss is retichccl.
WM. COVC14iitld cook accord ing to timc,
Add salt or other seasoning before cooking if meat has not been smoked or otherwise cured.
When melting marshmallows, add milk or water.
Thick batter takes slightly longer time. Turn over pancakes when bubbles rise to surface.
Use large enough kettle to pre- vent boilovcr, Pasta doubles in size when cooked,
Cooker should jiggle 2 to 3 times per minute.
Stir frequently to prevent sticking.
Uncovered pan requires more water and iongcr time.
Break up or stir as needed while cooking.
“1.urnover or stir vcgctablc as ncccssary for even browning.
Triples in volume after cooking. ‘1’imcat WM. Rice: 1 cup rice and 2 cups