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At General Electricwe’recommitted to providingyou with the best appliances we know how to build and we know that you want your appliancesto give you many years of dependableservice.
Our Consumer Servicesare designedwith your needs and wants in mind.
Beforeyour newapplianceleft the factory, it went through rigoroustests to detect manufacturingdefects.
Convenient Service
And you have a written warranty to protect you. Seethe warranty on the back page of this book for details.
Whether your applianceis in or out of warranty,you’re just a phone call away from our nationwidenetwork of Factory TrainedServiceprofessionals.
Simplycall our GE serviceorganization. Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for
Servicecan normallybe scheduledat your convenience and the techniciandrivesa
We’reproud of our serviceand want you to be pleased, but if for some reason you are not happy with the service you receive,here are three steps to followfor further help.
FIRST,contact the people who servicedyour appliance. Explainwhyyou are not pleased. In most cases, this will solvethe problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased writeall the
Manager,Consumer Relations General Electric AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225
FINALLY,if your problem is still not resolved,write:
Major ApplianceConsumer Action Panel 20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois60606
Service Contracts
For trouble-freeservicebeyond thewrittenwarrantyperiod.
If you prefer to budget your repair expenditures instead of beingsurprised by them, GE offers servicecontracts for varyinglengths of time on all GE major appliances. With a contract, we’ll keep your appliance in good operating condition during the contract period at no additional charge.
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~ | Servicecontracts let you pay today’s prices for | |
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: | now,And, you’llreceiveservicefrom GE | |
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..>,.I | trained servicetechnicians usingonly genuine | |
,&,,?r’::.,p i’ | GE parts. If you have any questionsabout |
ServiceContracts, call
The QuickFix” System
Youcan savemoneyand time by doing it Yourseif.
| Help For You By Phone |
— | Should you need help in the selectionand |
purchase of newappliances, or have questions | |
— | about the operatiorrof the GL app!~ancesyou |
now | |
| GE consumer products or services,you are |
| only a TOLL FREE callaway. |
. ~
A program for
| the |
| for refrigerators, most |
| ranges, dishwashers,and standard and large |
| capacity washersand dryers, plusspecially |
| packagedreplacernerrtparts,and technical help |
r | with a 1o11Jree 800numbex |
The GE Answer Centerl”~~consumer information serviceis open 24 hours a day, sevendays a week,
Our staff of experts stands ready to assist you anytime,
G =.. YourDirectLineto GeneridElectric z==-
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