Youmay find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Werecommendthat you use yournew ovenfor a few weeksto becomemore familiarwith it, followingthe timesgivenin your recipesas a guide.
If you think your new oven is too hot or too cool, you can adjust the thermostat yourself. If you think it is too hot, adjustthe thermostatto makeit cooler.If you thinkit is too cool,adjustthe thermostatto make it hotter.
Ovens Controlled with Touch Pads
To Adjust the Thermostat:
1.Press the BAKEpad.
2.Selectan oventemperaturebetween500°F. and 550”F.
3, Immediately,beforeON is displayed,press and holdthe BAKEpad for aboutfour seconds,The displaywill changeto the oven adjustmentdisplay.
Ovens Controlled with Knobs
Pull the knob off the shaft, look at the back of the knob and note the current setting before making any adjustment. Theknobis factoryset with the top screwdirectlyunderthe pointer.
Back of the OVENTEMPknob
We do not recommend the use of inexpensive thermometers, such as thosefoundin grocerystore.,, to checkthe temperaturesettingof your new oven. Thesethermometersmay vary
44Theoventemperaturecanbe adjustedup to (+) 35”F. hotteror
5.Whenyou have madethe adjustment,press the CLEAWOFFpad to go backto the timeof day display.Use yourovenas you wouldnormally,
NOTE: This adjustmentwill not affectthe broiling or
3. Hold bothDartsot’the knobas shownin the
The lower screw moves towardHOTTER to increase the temperature.
Lower screw moves toward HO~ER or COOLER
ToAdjust the Thermostat:
1.Pull off the knob.
2.Loosenboth screwson backof the knob.
The lower screw moves towardCOOLER to decrease the temperature.
4.Tightenthe screws,
5.Returnthe knobto the oven.