Roasting is cooking by dry heat.Tendermeator poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,whichshouldbe low and steady,keep spatteringto a minimum.
Roastingis reallya bakingprocedureusedfor meats. Therefore,ovencontrolsare set for Bakingor Timed Baking.{Youmay heara slightclickingsound, indicatingthe oven is workingproperly.)Timed Bakingwill turn the ovenon and off automatically,
OvensControlledwith TouchPads
Mostmeatscontinueto cook slightlywhilestanding, after beingremovedfromthe oven,The standingtime recommendedfor roastsis 10to 20 minutes.This allowsroaststo firm up and makesthemeasierto carve.The internaltemperaturewillrise about5° to 10°F.;to compensatefor the temperaturerise, if desired,removethe roastfrom ovensooner(at 5° to 10“F.less than temperaturein the RoastingGuide),
Rememberthat food will continueto cook in the hot oven and thereforeshouldbe removedwhenthe desiredinternaltemperaturehas beenreached.
1.Placethe shelfin A or B position.No preheatingis necessary.
2.Checkthe weightof the meat.Placeit fat side up (or for poultry
shallowpan. The meltingfat will baste
the meat. Selecta panI as closeto the size”of the meatas possible.
(The broilerpan withrack is a goodpan for this.) 3. Pressthe BAKEpad.
The oven will startautomaticallyThe. word “ON” and 6’100°”will be displayed.As the oven heatsUp,
the displaywill showthe changingtemperature. Whenthe ovenreachesthe temperatureyou set, a tonewill sound.
5.Pressthe CLEAWOFFpad when
@CLEAR roasting is finished and then remove
F the food from the oven.
NOTE: A fan may automaticallyturn on and off to cool internalparts.This is normal,and the fan may continueto run after the oven is turnedoff.
pad untilthe desiredtemperatureis
A o displayed.
To changethe oventemperatureduringthe
roastingcycle,pressthe BAKEpad and then the INCREASEor DECREASEpad to get the new temperature.
Useof AluminumFoil
Youcan use aluminumfoil to linethe broilerpan. This