low to Set DelayStart and AutomaticStop


1.Pressthe COOKTIMEpad.

2.Pressthe INCREASE/DECREASEpad to set the lengthof cookingtime.

3.Pressthe STOPTIMEpad.

4.Press the INCREASE/DECREASEpad until the desiredStopTimeappearsin the display.

5.Press the BAKEpad.

6.Pressthe INCREASE/DECREASEpad to selectan oventemperature.

To avoidpossibleburns,placethe shelvesin the correctpositionbeforeyou turn the oven on,

Youcan set the oven controlto delay-startthe oven, cookfor a specificlengthof time and then turn off automatically.


1. Pressthe COOKTIMEpad.


NOTE: If yourreciperequires

c1 A

preheating,you may needto add


additionaltimeto the CookTime.

‘t.Press the INCREASEpad untilthe desiredlength of cookingtime appe~s in the display.


3. Pressthe STOPTIMEpad. “STOP


TIME’ and the earliestStopTimeyou

c1 A

can set appearin the display.


The controlautomaticallysets the StopTimeby addingthe CookTimeto the time of day.For example,the time of day is 2:00 and the Cook Timeis 3 hours. Adding3 hoursto the time of day equals5:00.

4.Changethe StopTimeby pressingthe INCREASEpad untilthe desiredStopTime appearsin the display.



5. Press the BAKEpad,









6. Press the INCREASEor



DECREASEpad untilthe desired



temperatureis displayed.

The ovenwillturn on automaticallyThe.





word “ON’ and “100°”willbe displayed.


TheCookTimewillbeginto countdown.




As theovenheatsup,thedisplaywillshow

the changingtemperature.The ovenwill continueto cookfor the programmed timeand shutoff automatically.

At the end of TimedBake,the display will show“OHR:OOCOOKTIME’ and the ovenwillturn off. Theend of cycle tonewill sound.

7.Press the CLEAWOFFpad to clear

CLEAR the displayif necessary.Removethe

OFF food from the oven.Remember,even


thoughthe oven shutsoff automatically,


foodscontinuecookingafterthe controls


are off.



The low temperaturezoneof this oven(between 150°F.and 200”F.)is availableto keephot cooked foodswarm.Foodskept in the ovenlongerthan two hoursat theselow temperaturesmay spoil.

Foodsthat spoileasily,such as milk,eggs,fish, stuffings,poultryand pork, shouldnot be allowedto sit for morethan one hourbeforeor aftercooking. Roomtemperaturepromotesthe growthof harmful bacteria.Be sure the ovenlightis off becauseheat from the bulb will speedharmfulbacteriagrowth.

A fan may automaticallyturn on and off to cool internalparts.This is normal,and the fan may continueto run after the oven is turnedoff.


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GE JKP26, JKP13, JRP14, 164D2966P122 warranty Low to Set DelayStart and AutomaticStop, QuickReminder