The clockmustbe set for the automaticoventiming functionsto workproperly,The timeof day cannotbe changedduringa TimedBakeor
ToSet the Clock
1. Press the CLOCKpad.
c1 A
2.Press the INCREASEor DECREASE pad to set the time of day.
The timer is a minutetimer;
it does not controloven operations. The maximumsettingon the timer is 9 hoursand 55 minutes.
ToSet the Timer
1.Press the TIMER
;~vlAE~ ON/OPFpad.
c1 A |
| 2. Press the INCREASE |
| or DECREASEpad |
A @ | to set the amountof |
timeon the timer. | |
@ |
v |
The timerwill startautomatically withina few secondsof releasingthe INCREASEorDECREASEpad,The timer,asyoum settingi~willdisplay secondsuntiloneminuteis reached. Then it will displayminutesand secondsuntil60 minutesis reached.
After60minutes,it willdisplayhours (“HR’ now appearsin display)and minutesuntilthe maximumtime of 9 hoursand 55 minutesis reached.
‘1’oReset the Timer
If “TIMER” is displayed, pressthe INCREASEor DECREASEpad untildesiredtime is reached.
If “TIMER” is not displayed,pressthe TIMER ON/OFFpad first,thenfollowthe instructionsabove to set thetimer.
To Cancelthe Timer
Press and hold the TIMERON/OFFpad untilthe word “TIMER’disappearsfrom the display.
End of CycleTone
The end of cycletoneis a seriesof threebeeps followedby one beepevery six seconds.If you would like to removethe signalthat beepsevery six seconds, press and hold the CLEAWOFFpad for 10seconds.
Toreturnthe signalthatbeepsevery six seconds, press and holdthe CLEAWOFFpad for 10 seconds.
●If “door” appears in the display,LOCKflashes and the ovencontrolsignals,you set the
●If “door” ordy appears in the display,the oven dooris open and needsto be closed.
. If ‘6LOCK9’only appearsin the display,the
oven door is in the lockedposition.BAKE, BROILand COOKTIMEcannotbe setif the dooris in thelockedposition.
Power Outage
Aftera poweroutage,whenpoweris restored,the displaywill flash and time shownwill no longerbe
The displayflashesuntilthe clockis reset, All other functionsthat were in operationwhenthe powerwent out will haveto be programmedagain.