With the Auto Defrost feature, Whenthe oven reaches half of the total defrosting
the oven automatically setsthe time, the readout flashes “TURN”, telling you to
defrostingtimeand PowerLevels turn food over and will not continue defrosting until
for you. Youchoose the appro- door is opened and “Start” is touched again.
priate Code number from 1to 6Afterdefrosting time is complete,the ovenautomat-
for the food you aredefrosting, then enter the food ically goes into aholding period as shown on the
weight in pounds and tenths of a pound (see Con- Automatic Defrosting Chart on this page. This
version Chart below) and touch START.The oven holding period is necessaryto finish the defrosting
calculates the defrosting time and changes Power of the interior of the food.
Levels during defrosting to give even defrosting
NOTE:Before you begin, check the Auto Defrost chart located at the bottom of the oven when you open the
door.This chart shows minimum and maximum food weights for eachCode number. Youwill needto know your
food weight andcorresponding Code before beginning, NOTE: If“ERROR” appearsafter entering food weight,
check the CodeChart to make surethat weight corresponds tothe Code number entered,
Step 1. Removefrozen meat from
package and place in microwave-
safedish. Place in oven and close
Step!5:Touch STARTpad. Defrost
time begins counting down on
Step 2: Touch Auto Defrost Pad.
“Enter Code” flasheson readout.
Step6: When%the defrosting time
IScompleted,the oven signalsand
“TURN” flashesin readout instead
of time cmuntlngdown.OperIdoor
and turn packageover.
step 7: Close door and touch the
START pad. Readout shows re=
rnairling defrosting time counting
Stap 3: Touch number pad 3.
“Code 3“ shows on readout and
“Enter Weight” flashes.
Step4: Touch numbw” pad 3 and 0
for weight of 3ibs. Display shows
3.0,Code 3 and “Start” flashes.
Step S: When defrosting time is
compfeisd, oven automatically
switches to aHOLD period of 5
minutesior Coda3. “HOLD” shows
in readout. ‘V@’ienholding time is
finished oven signals, “END”
flashes,and oventurns off.
Ifthe weightis statadinpounds and
ounces, the ounces must be con-
vertedto tenths (,1) of apound.
Ounces Pounds
1=2 .1
.5—4+!9Ibs> 5min. Chickenpiwxx
,5—349Ibs 5min. Fish
.5=-”5.9ItIs. 5min. GroundBeef
3.0–5,9 Ibs, 20min. Roasts,Bone In
3.0--5.9it)s! .20min. Ftoasts,Fkmeloss
.5—3.9Ibs. 5rein, Steaksand~hOfX
ncrcussaryto allow tho
moatto standduring
taketho meatout ~f
thoovenif you prefer.