14 NX-8V2 Control
13 ACCOUNT CODE FOR PHONE 3 6............ numerical
The account code sent when Phone 3 is dialed is programmed in location 13. Program a A10" in the segment immediately after the last
digit of the account code. If the account code is 6 digits long, program all 6 segments. If location 6 is left unprogrammed, account
code 1 will be used when the Phone 3 is dialed.
14 COMMUNICATOR FORMAT FOR PHONE 3 1............ numerical
Location 14 contains the communicator format used to transmit to the receiver connected to phone 3. Consult the instruction manual
for your central station receiver to determine which format is compatible, and select from Table XII-1 COMMUNICATOR FORMAT
SELECTIONS on page 11. If you require a format other than those listed, review the override options described in Location 18 to build
the appropriate format. A "15" must be programmed in location 14 in addition to the entries in location 18 in order to create a special
format. If this location contains a "0", format 1 will be used when Phone 3 is dialed.
15 DIAL ATTEMPTS/BACKUP CONTROL FOR PHONE 3 2............ numerical
Segment 1, Dial Attempts: Segment 1 of Location 15 is used to enter the number of dial attempts (1 to 15 attempts) the
communicator will try to Phone 3 before ending the notification process. Factory default is "8" and the communicator will make the
same number of attempts as those programmed in location 3.
Segment 2, Phone 3 Backup Control: Programming a "0" in Segment 2 of this location will cause the NX-8V2 to make the designated
number of attempts to Phone 2 before setting the "Fail To Communicate" condition and stop reporting. Programming a "1" in this
segment will cause the NX-8V2 to stop trying to communicate after the designated number of attempts have been made to Phone 3. If
a "2" is programmed in this segment, it will cause the NX-8V2 to make the dial attempts in increments of two. The first two attempts will
be made to Phone 3, the next two attempts to Phone 2, then repeating until the total number of attempts designated in Segment 1 is
Phone 3 can be used for a third receiver to multi-report or split report events. Phone 3 has two programming locations that are used to
select which events are reported to this phone number. Location 16 is used to select which events are reported to Phone 3, and
Location 17 is used to select which partitions are reported to Phone 3. If dual or split reporting is not desired, location 16 and location
17 should be left at the factory default of "0". If multi-reporting or split reporting is desired and the split is based on the event type
(such as alarm, open/close, etc.), then location 16 should be used to select only those events that should be reported to Phone 3 and
location 17 should be left at the factory default of "0". If dual or split reporting is desired, and the split is based on partition, then
location 16 should be programmed to "0" and location 17 should be used to select those partitions that should be reported to Phone 3.
If no events should be reported to Phone 3, both locations should be "0".
16 EVENTS REPORTED TO PHONE 3 2............ feature select
Segment 1:
1 = Alarms and Alarm Restores.
2 = Opening and Closings.
3 = Zone Bypass and Bypass Restores.
4 = Zone Trouble and Trouble Restores.
5 = Power Fail, Low Battery, Power Restore, and Low Battery Restore.
6 = Bell Cut, Telephone Line Cut, Bell Cut Restore, Telephone Line Restore.
7 = Test Reports.
8 = Start and End programming, Download complete.
Segment 2:
1 = Zone and Box Tamper and Tamper Restore.
2 = Auxiliary Power Overcurrent and Ground Fault and Restore for both.
3 = Sensor Missing and Restore.
4 = Sensor Low Battery and Restore.
5 = Expander Trouble and Restore.
6 = Fail To Communicate.
7 = Zone Activity Monitor.
8 = Reserved.
17 PARTITIONS REPORTED TO PHONE 3 1............ feature select
Location 17 is used when events to be reported to a phone number are based upon the partition regardless of the event. If this location
is used, location 16 should be "0".
Segment 1:
1 = Partition 1 3 = Partition 3 5 = Partition 5 7 = Partition 7
2 = Partition 2 4 = Partition 4 6 = Partition 6 8 = Partition 8