NX-8V2 Control 23
54 DAYS OF WEEK EACH PARTITION IS OPEN 8.............feature select
Location 54 selects which days of the week each partition is open. On these days, Aarm only after close window@ codes will be able to
arm and disarm during open window. NOTE: If any partition is not programmed to be opened and is programmed to Auto-Arm
(Location 55), the NX-8V2 will try to arm every 45 minutes for the duration of the closed period unless Auto Retry is disabled
in location 55. On days not selected here, Aarm only after close window@ codes will not disarm. Segment 1 is for partition 1, and
segment 8 is for partition 8. (See locations 52 and 53 for the opening and closing times for the open days.)
Segment 1-8:
1 = Open on Sunday.
2 = Open on Monday.
3 = Open on Tuesday.
4 = Open on Wednesday.
5 = Open on Thursday.
6 = Open on Friday.
7 = Open on Saturday.
8 = Reserved.
55 DAYS OF WEEK EACH PARTITION WILL AUTO ARM 8.............feature select
Location 55 selects which days each partition will auto arm. Segment 1 is for partition 1, and segment 8 is for partition 8. If a zone is
faulted when the panel tries to auto arm, the zone will be bypassed.
Segments 1-8:
1 = Auto Arming on Sunday.
2 = Auto Arming on Monday.
3 = Auto Arming on Tuesday.
4 = Auto Arming on Wednesday.
5 = Auto Arming on Thursday.
6 = Auto Arming on Friday.
7 = Auto Arming on Saturday.
8 = Disable 45 minute retry timer.
4+2. When using Contact ID or SIA, there is no need to program these locations.
The digit programmed in each of the following locations will be sent as the upper HEX digit in place of the alarm event code. The zone
ID or user ID will always be reported as the lower HEX digit (1-F). For example, if the zone ID or user ID is 15, the 4+2 lower digit will
be “F” and if the zone ID or user ID is 16, the 4+2 digit will be “1”. See Appendix 4 on page 53. NOTE: If Segments 2-8 are left as “0”
(unprogrammed), they will follow the Segment 1 selection. If Segment 1 is left as “0” and the feature is enabled in Location 23, the NX-
8V2 will report “A”.
56 RESTORE COMMUNICATOR CODE 8.............numerical
Location 56 contains the event code for any zone "Restore" for a 4+2 format. Refer to the box on page 23.
Segment 1 = Partition 1 Segment 3 = Partition 3 Segment 5 = Partition 5 Segment 7 = Partition 7
Segment 2 = Partition 2 Segment 4 = Partition 4 Segment 6 = Partition 6 Segment 8 = Partition 8
57 BYPASS COMMUNICATOR CODE 8.............numerical
Location 57 contains the event code for a zone "Bypass" for a 4+2 format. Refer to the box on page 23.
Segment 1 = Partition 1 Segment 3 = Partition 3 Segment 5 = Partition 5 Segment 7 = Partition 7
Segment 2 = Partition 2 Segment 4 = Partition 4 Segment 6 = Partition 6 Segment 8 = Partition 8
58 TAMPER COMMUNICATOR CODE 8.............numerical
Location 58 contains the event code for a zone "Tamper" for a 4+2 format. Refer to the box on page 23.
Segment 1 = Partition 1 Segment 3 = Partition 3 Segment 5 = Partition 5 Segment 7 = Partition 7
Segment 2 = Partition 2 Segment 4 = Partition 4 Segment 6 = Partition 6 Segment 8 = Partition 8
59 TROUBLE COMMUNICATOR CODE 8.............numerical
Location 59 contains the event code for a zone "Trouble" for a 4+2 format. Refer to the box on page 23.
Segment 1 = Partition 1 Segment 3 = Partition 3 Segment 5 = Partition 5 Segment 7 = Partition 7
Segment 2 = Partition 2 Segment 4 = Partition 4 Segment 6 = Partition 6 Segment 8 = Partition 8
Location 60 contains the event code for a zone "Sensor Low Battery" for a 4+2 format. Refer to the box on page 23.
Segment 1 = Partition 1 Segment 3 = Partition 3 Segment 5 = Partition 5 Segment 7 = Partition 7
Segment 2 = Partition 2 Segment 4 = Partition 4 Segment 6 = Partition 6 Segment 8 = Partition 8