Bypass Count
The Bypass Count is the number of characters to bypass or ignore excluding the characters in the Text String.
The Bypass Count can be entered when you enter the sequence: 3 > Enter.
Enter Count: _
The range of the Bypass Count is 0 to 255. Entry will auto- terminate after the 3rd number input. You may terminate input by using the Enter key. The Backspace key may also be used for correction.
Enter Count: 200
Enter Count: 50 > Enter (manual termination)
Text String
The Text String option allows entering characters (up to 20) in a string to be ignored or bypassed. When you enter the option ‘4’ followed by the Enter key, you will be prompted to enter a string.
Enter String: _
The maximum number of characters you can enter (including the space character) is 20. The entered string of characters will be converted to all UPPER CASE because the Text Filter is not case sensitive.
Append Line Feed
This allows the Append Line Feed option to be enabled or disabled. When the Append Line Feed option is enabled, each time the PB3 receives a new line Character (Carriage Return or