sensor 48 | Tape speeds 21 |
TV function buttons 19 | Time and date 10 |
VCR function buttons 18 | |
Remote VCR1/VCR2 option 15 | setting 11 |
Remove or add channels 10 | Time counter 38 |
REV button 20, 36, 37, 38, 48 | Time counter display 49 |
REVERSE button 19, 20 | Time display 49 |
Review programs screen 28 | TIME menu 11 |
Reviewing programs 28 | Timer recording 25 |
Rewind, automatic 21 | stopping 28 |
RF OUT jack 4, 5, 16, 29, 42, 43, 50 | Timer recording with VCR Plus+ 26 |
Safety tab 16, 21 | TIMER RECORDINGS menu 25, 28 |
SEARCH button 19, 36, 37, 38 | Tips, troubleshooting 51 |
Search features | Tracking 39 |
commercial scan 36 | TRACKING buttons 19, 20, 36, 39, 48 |
forward 36 | Troubleshooting tips 51 |
frame advance 37 | TV button 18, 32 |
index 37 | TV codes 33 |
reverse 36 | TV function buttons 19 |
slow motion 36 | TV, programming the remote to control 32 |
time counter 38 | TV•VCR button 16, 19, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49 |
zero search 38 | UNRECOGNIZED NUMBER... PLEASE |
Sensor, remote 48 | message 27 |
SET TIME AND DATE screen 12 | VCR, cleaning 54 |
Set up | VCR button 18 |
first 3 | VCR channels list 8 |
language 8 | VCR indicator 16, 49 |
using the menu 8 | VCR MAIN MENU 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 25, 26 |
Using the PREFERENCES menu 14 | VCR Plus+ |
VCR channels list 8 | channel list 26 |
Signal type, cable or antenna 10 | channel list screen 14 |
Solving problems 51 | menu 26 |
Specifications 54 | PlusCode number 27 |
Speed | set up channels 12 |
LP 21 | using 26 |
SLP 21 | worksheet 13 |
SP 21 | Viewing channel 5 |
SPEED button 19, 21, 24, 27, 49 | VOL buttons 20 |
Speeds, recording 21 | Warranty, limited 55 |
Status indicators 49 | ZERO search feature 38 |
STOP button 19, 20, 21, 28, 37, 38 | ZERO SEARCH menu 38 |
STOP•EJECT button 20, 21, 29, 48 |
Stopping a timer recording 28 |
Tab, safety 21 |
Table of contents 1 |
Tape eject 20 |
Tape, playing a 20 |
Tape speed indicator 49 |