GE WX08X10025 Humid weather, air, Carries moisture into, Are opened, Hot air from bottom, Door

Models: 197D3354P013 WX08X10006 WX08X10025 WX08X10015

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Possible Causes

What To Do

Moisture collects inside


Too frequent or too


(in humid weather, air


long door openings.


carries moisture into





Open containers of water or

Cover or seal open containers. During a defrost cycle,

refrigerator when doors



warm food in the refrigerator.

moisture will be removed from the refrigerator, but may

are opened)




return with long or frequent door openings.




Hot air from bottom


Normal air flow cooling motor. In the refrigeration process,

of refrigerator


it is normal that heat be expelled in the area under the refrigerator.



Some floor coverings will discolor at these normal and safe temperatures.

Food freezing in


Food too close to the air vent

Move the food away from the air vent (near the

the refrigerator


at the back of the refrigerator.




Refrigerator control is set

Move the refrigerator control to a warmer



too cold.

temperature setting one increment at a time.

Orange glow


Defrost heater is on.

This is normal.

in the freezer




Door bins do not fit


The freezer door bins are

Try to install the bins in both doors.

in the door


a different size than the




refrigerator door bins.


Freezer light does


Some models do not have a

Check for a semi-clear dome light shield in the freezer ceiling.

not work


freezer light.

If the dome is opaque white, the model does not have a freezer




light. Check for a door activated light switch on the right side of




the freezer. If there is only a cap in place of a switch, the model




does not have a freezer light.



Light bulb burned out

See Replacing the light bulbs.



or loose.


Controls do not light up


Some models do not have

If you can read white numbers on the control setting,



lighted controls.

the model does not have lighted controls.



Refrigerator light bulb burned

See Replacing the light bulbs.



out or loose.


Ice bucket does not fit


The freezer shelf is in the

Place the shelf in the lower position. See Rearranging

under the icemaker


top position.

the shelves.

Water has poor


Water dispenser has not been

Dispense water until all water in system is replenished.



used for a long time.


Water in first glass


Normal when refrigerator

Wait 24 hours for the refrigerator to completely cool down.

is warm


is first installed.




Water dispenser has not been

Dispense water until all water is system is replenished.



used for a long time.




Water system has been drained.

Allow several hours for replenished supply to chill.

Water dispenser


Water supply line turned off

See Installing the water line.

does not work


or not connected.




Water filter clogged.

Replace filter cartridge or remove filter and install plug.



Air may be trapped in

Press the dispenser arm for at least 2 minutes.



the water system.


Water spurting from


Newly-installed filter cartridge.

Run water from the dispenser for 3 minutes




(about 112 gallons).

Water is not dispensed


Water in reservoir is frozen

Set the refrigerator control to a warmer setting and

but icemaker is working


because the controls are

wait 24 hours. If water does not dispense after 24 hours,



set too cold.

call for service.

No water or ice cube


Supply line or shutoff valve

Call a plumber.



is clogged.




Water filter clogged.

Replace filter cartridge or remove filter and install plug.



Filter cartridge not

Remove and reinstall filter cartridge, being certain that



properly installed.

it locks into place. The blade on the end of the cartridge




should be positioned vertically.

Water is leaking from


Glass not being held under

Hold the glass underneath the dispenser for 2–3 seconds



the dispenser long enough

after releasing the dispenser button. Water may continue



after button is released.

to dispense after the button is released.



Air may be present in the

Dispense water for at least 2 minutes to remove air



water line system, causing

from system.



water to drip after being




Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Installation Instructions Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Support

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GE WX08X10025 Humid weather, air, Carries moisture into, Are opened, Hot air from bottom, Refrigerator, Food freezing