If your garage door opener has a Serial Number sticker which looks like this, in which the first two numbers are 10 or higher, your opener is equipped with INTELLICODE®2.
FCC ID: B8Q AC SR3 | Residential Door Operator |
IC: | 120V. 60HZ. 5A |
If you have another garage door opener that does NOT have a Serial Number like this, then you will be using the INTELLICODE® 1 setting on your remote to operate that opener.
Other models of Genie® garage door openers, remotes, and wireless keypads use IntelliCode® 1 signals to communicate. Remote(s) provided with this unit will transmit either IntelliCode® 1 or IntelliCode® 2 signals.
Remote(s) contained in this package are preset to IntelliCode® 2 and can be configured to communicate with previously installed IntelliCode® 1 openers. This dual IntelliCode® option allows one IntelliCode® 2 remote to operate different models of The Genie Company garage door openers.
This new Genie® garage door opener will ONLY accept signals from a remote sending IntelliCode® 2 signals (see page 9) or a Genie® brand IntelliCode® 1 remote that has been programmed to the opener using a new IntelliCode® 2 remote (see page 10).
NOTE: Other remotes not enabled with Genie® IntelliCode® 2 will not operate this opener.
| Use this |
If you have ... | IntelliCode® |
| programming |
One or more IntelliCode® 2 | Use IntelliCode® |
openers with a maximum 3 | 2 |
different openers |
Mixture of openers | Use IntelliCode® |
manufactured between 1997 | 2 and/or 1 |
and 2010 (IntelliCode® 1) and |
new IntelliCode® 2 openers |
One or more openers | Use IntelliCode® |
manufactured between 1997 | 1 |
and 2010 (IntelliCode® 1) |
NOTE: A maximum of 3 different openers can be programmed to a 3 button remote.
Three button
Programming remote to previously installed IntelliCode® 1 Genie® garage door openers
Remotes provided with this unit can operate other (IntelliCode® 1) models of Genie® garage door openers. The default IntelliCode® 2 setting must be changed to IntelliCode® 1. (Follow these same steps to change IntelliCode® 1 back to IntelliCode® 2.)
The LED color displayed on the remote indicates the IntelliCode® mode.
Red = IntelliCode® 1 / Green = IntelliCode® 2
1.Select a button on the remote that has NOT been
programmed to the new powerhead.
2. Press and hold that |
button for 10 seconds. | |
Both Red and Green | |
LEDs come ON and stay 10 SECS | |
ON. |
3. | Press the same button twice |
| to toggle IntelliCode® |
| selection from IntelliCode® 2 |
| to IntelliCode® 1. |
4. Press the same button again to confirm toggle. The IntelliCode® selection for this button is set to IntelliCode® 1.
5.Take the remote to the older Genie® garage door opener and follow that opener's instructions to program a new remote.
Repeat for other Genie® garage remote(s) as necessary.
Red LED | Green LED |
16 | ©2010 The Genie Company | 12/2010 |