Chapter 4: High Performance Features and Safety
20.Ensure that the filtered enclosure is connected to an electrical service in accordance with local and national electrical codes. Failure to do so may create a fire or electrical hazard. Do not remove or service any electrical components without first disconnecting the filtered enclosure from electrical service.
21.Use of an open flame must be avoided with the enclosure. Open flames may disrupt the airflow patterns in the enclosure and cause a fire hazard with volatile solvents.
22.Increase the face velocity by adjusting the speed control of the motorized impeller on the XPert Filtered Balance System or change the HEPA filter when the face velocity falls below acceptable limits established by your Safety Officer.
23.Exhaust carbon filters and HEPA filters are disposed as hazardous waste. The user is responsible for recording the chemicals adsorbed or treated by the filters and disposing properly. HEPA filters should be disposed using the disposal bag on XPert enclosures.
24.Ensure only trained operators use the enclosure. New users should review the User’s Manual and become familiar with the operation of the enclosure.
25.If the filtered enclosure is to be used in a confined space, make sure the space is well ventilated and the concentration of toxic contaminants cannot accumulate greater than the TWA.
26.Proper operation of the enclosure depends largely upon the enclosure location and the operator’s work habits. The enclosure should be located away from traffic patterns, doors, fans, ventilation registers, fume hoods, and any other
27.Only powders and particulates removed by HEPA filters and trace chemicals, which can be safely adsorbed and treated with specific carbon based filters are appropriate for use in this enclosure.
28.The warning properties (i.e., odor, taste) of the volatile organic compounds or other material being used in the enclosure must be adequate to provide an early indication that the carbon filter may be saturated or inadequate. Contact Labconco for help with chemical assessment.