4 Bluetooth Tray Application
After the installation of the software and hardware are complete, you should have a new item (BTTray icon) on the Windows Taskbar.
Here are some points need to pay attention to:
1.The computer name is the same as your computer name or the name you chose during the installation process.
2.The computer type is either ”Desktop” or “Laptop”. This is the device type other Bluetooth users will see when they search for your computer.
3.You can set the security mode setting to High or Medium. The default value is “Medium”, means that anyone can connect to you and use your services without having to type in a password.
Note: If your security mode setting is “High” then there will be a message box displayed on the Windows Taskbar while other Bluetooth users want to connect you. Click the Bluetooth Tray icon. Both of you need to enter the same password;after that both of you can be connected.