Troubleshooting Sanding
Deep sanding grooves or | 1. | Sanding belt grit too coarse for the | 1. | Use a finer grit sanding belt. |
marks in workpiece. |
| desired finish. |
| 2. | Workpiece is being sanded across the | 2. | Sand with the grain. |
| grain. |
| 3. | Too much sanding force on workpiece. | 3. | Reduce pressure on workpiece while sanding. |
| 4. | Workpiece held still against the belt. | 4. | Keep workpiece moving while sanding on the belt. |
Grains easily rub off the | 1. | Sanding belt has been stored in an | 1. | Store sanding belt away from extremely dry or hot temperatures. |
belt. |
| incorrect environment. |
| 2. | Sanding belt has been folded or | 2. | Hang sanding belt or store unfolded and unstacked. |
| smashed. |
Glazed sanding belt. | 1. | Sanding wet stock. | 1. | Dry stock properly before sanding. |
| 2. | Sanding stock with high residue. | 2. | Use different stock. Or, accept the characteristics of the stock |
| and plan on cleaning/replacing belts frequently. |
Burning marks on work- | 1. | Using too fine of sanding belt grit. | 1. | Use a coarser grit sanding belt. |
piece. | 2. | Using too much pressure against belt. | 2. | Reduce pressure on workpiece while sanding. |
| 3. | Work held still for too long. | 3. | Do not keep workpiece in one place for too long. |
Sanding belt clogs quickly | 1. | Using too much pressure against belt. | 1. | Reduce pressure on workpiece while sanding. |
or burns. | 2. | Sanding softwood. | 2. | Use different stock. Or, accept the characteristics of the stock |
| and plan on cleaning/replacing belts frequently. |
Workpiece frequently gets | 1. | Not supporting the workpiece against | 1. | Use back stop to support workpiece. |
pulled out of your hand. |
| the stop. |
| 2. | Starting the workpiece on a leading cor- | 2. | Start workpiece on a trailing corner. |
| ner. |
Sanding belt comes off dur- | 1. | Tracking out of adjustment. | 1. | Track the belt as described in Section: 5 Set Up. |
ing operation. |
Disconnect power to the machine when perform- ing any maintenance or repairs. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury.
G0512 Edge Sander |