Clean Up

Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and can explode or cause fire if used to clean machinery. DO NOT use these products to clean the machinery.

G2544—Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser

6 \gZVi egdYjXi [dg gZbdk^c\ i]Z lVmn h]^ee^c\ \gZVhZ[gdbndjgbVX]^cZYjg^c\XaZVcje#

Many cleaning solvents are toxic if inhaled. Minimize your risk by only using these products in a well ventilated area.

I]Z jceV^ciZY hjg[VXZh VgZ XdViZY l^i] V lVmn \gZVhZ id egZkZci Xdggdh^dc Yjg^c\ h]^ebZci# 8aZVc^c\i]^hXdVi^c\^hVc^bedgiVcieVgid[hZi" i^c\jendjgaVi]Z!WZXVjhZi]ZegdiZXi^kZXdVi^c\ XVc ]^cYZg eZg[dgbVcXZ d[ ha^Y^c\ eVgih ^[ cdi gZbdkZY# EaVc id hZi Vh^YZ '¶( ]djgh id i]dg" dj\]anXaZVcndjgaVi]ZVcY^ihXdbedcZcih#I]^h i^bZ l^aa WZ lZaa heZci l]Zc ndj VgZ gZlVgYZY l^i]hbddi]VXi^dcd[i]Zha^Y^c\XdbedcZcih#

I]Z egdiZXi^kZ XdVi^c\ dc ndjg aVi]Z XVc WZ gZbdkZY l^i] V hdakZci XaZVcZg dg YZ\gZVhZg! hjX]Vhh]dlc^cFigure 5!dgVcnXdbbdceZc" ZigVi^c\ajWg^XVci#

6[iZgXaZVc^c\!l^eZYdlci]ZXdbedcZcihl^i]V \ZcZgdjhXdVid[lVnd^a!hjX]Vhh]dlc^cFigure 6! id egZkZci gjhi VcY ZVhZ i]Z [g^Xi^dc d[ ha^Y^c\ XdbedcZcih#

Cleaning Tips

™ ;dg i]dgdj\] XaZVc^c\! gZbdkZ i]Z hiZVYn gZhi!iddaedhi!XdbedjcYha^YZ!VcYX]Vc\Z" \ZVgh#

™ JhZ V hi^[[ Wgjh] l]Zc XaZVc^c\ i]Z i]gZVYh dci]ZaZVYhXgZl#

™ BdkZ i]Z ha^YZh VcY iV^ahidX` WVX` VcY [dgi]idi]dgdj\]anXaZVc$ajWg^XViZjcYZgcZVi] i]Zb#


Figure 5. 8aZVcZg$YZ\gZVhZgVkV^aVWaZ[gdb


H8257—Primrose Armor Plate with Moly-D Machine and Way Oil 1 Quart I]^hhjeZg^dgbVX]^cZVcYlVnajWg^XVciegZkZcih hi^X` ha^e VcY X]ViiZg YjZ id Vci^"[g^Xi^dc XVeV" W^a^i^Zh gZhjai^c\ ^c \gZViZg egZX^h^dc bVX]^c^c\ XVeVW^a^i^Zh# Egdk^YZh i]Z i]^ccZhi d^a [^ab edh" h^WaZl]^aZZ[[ZXi^kZanegdk^Y^c\cZZYZYajWg^XVi^dc VcY gjhi$Xdggdh^dc egdiZXi^dc# 6Y]Zh^kZ$Xd]Zh^kZ XdbedcZcih VgZ VYYZY [dg kZgi^XVa hjg[VXZh# GZh^hih hfjZZoZ dji! gjcc^c\! Yg^ee^c\ VcY cdc" \jbb^c\#

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S. Balolia – President

Figure 6.Eg^bgdhZ6gbdgEaViZAjWg^XVci#


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Image 16
Grizzly G9036 owner manual Clean Up, Cleaning Tips