Tools NeededQty
=ZmLgZcX]*bb############################################## & =ZmLgZcX]+bb############################################## & LgZcX]&%bb################################################### & LgZcX]&)bb################################################### & GZiV^c^c\8a^eLgZcX]####################################### & CA<>'<gZVhZ################################ 6hCZZYZY
Configuring Change Gears
2. :mVb^cZi]ZX]Vgi^cFigure 42dgFigure 45 id YZiZgb^cZ i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg Xdc[^\jgVi^dc [dgi]ZhZaZXiZY[ZZYgViZ#
Note: The feed rates are given in inches of carriage travel per revolution of the spindle (IPR).
3. DeZc i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg XdkZg! i]Zc VggVc\Z i]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVghVhcZZYZY#AZVkZVeegdm^" bViZan %#%%'¶%#%%(
Note: Before you install the gears, thoroughly clean them with a stiff brush and mild solvent, then apply a light coat of NLGI #2 grease to the teeth.
Change Gear "a"
a.AddhZci]ZXVehXgZlhZXjg^c\i]Ze^kdi Vgb! i]Zc adlZg ^i id Y^hZc\V\Z i]Z &'%$&',I\ZVg[gdbX]Vc\Z\ZVgahZZ
Figure 43#

<ZVga 8]Vc\Z<ZVg
8]Vc\Z <ZVgb
Figure 43.8]Vc\Z\ZVge^kdiVgb^cadlZgZY
b. GZbdkZ i]Z :"Xa^e i]Vi hZXjgZh X]Vc\Z \ZVg a! gZeaVXZ i]Z \ZVg l^i] XdggZXi dcZ!i]ZcgZeaVXZi]Z:"Xa^e#
c. GV^hZi]Ze^kdiVgbhdi]Vii]Z&'%$&',I \ZVg egdeZgan bZh]Zh l^i] X]Vc\Z \ZVg a! i]Zc gZ"i^\]iZc i]Z XVe hXgZl id hZXjgZ^i^ceaVXZ#
Change Gear "b"
a. AdlZgi]Ze^kdiVgbVhYZhXg^WZYVWdkZ#
b. AddhZc i]Z hfjVgZ cji dc i]Z &'%$&',I \ZVgVcYha^YZ^iVadc\i]Ze^kdiVgbVcY VlVn[gdbX]Vc\Z\ZVgb#
c. AddhZcVcYgZbdkZi]ZXVehXgZlhZXjg" ^c\X]Vc\Z\ZVgb!i]ZcgZbdkZi]Z[aVi lVh]Zg!Wjh]^c\!VcYi]Z\ZVg#
d. >chiVaa i]Z XdggZXi X]Vc\Z \ZVg b! i]Z Wjh]^c\![aVilVh]Zg!VcYXVehXgZl#
Note: If change gear "b" must mesh with the 120T gear when cutting metric threads, mount the bushing between the gear and the headstock to properly align the gear.
e. Ha^YZi]Z&'%$&',I\ZVgdkZgidegdeZgan bZh]l^i]X]Vc\Z\ZVgb!i]ZcgZ"i^\]i" Zci]ZhfjVgZcji#
f. GV^hZi]Ze^kdiVgbVcYhZXjgZ^i^ceaVXZ VhYZhXg^WZYVWdkZ#
4. GdiViZi]Zhe^cYaZWn]VcYVcYbV`ZhjgZVaa X]Vc\Z\ZVghVgZegdeZganbZh]ZYVcYgdiVi" ^c\#
>[i]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVghVgZcdiegdeZganbZh]ZY dg gdiVi^c\ [gZZan! gZeZVi i]^h egdXZYjgZ jci^ai]ZnVgZ#
5. 8adhZVcYhZXjgZi]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVgXdkZg#
Setting the Feed Rate Dials
1. BV`ZhjgZi]Zhe^cYaZbdidg^hOFFVcYi]Z he^cYaZ]VhXdbZidVXdbeaZiZhide#
2. :mVb^cZ i]Z X]Vgi ^c Figure 42 dg Figure 45! i]ZcXdggZXianhZi[ZZYgViZY^Vah[dgndjg hZaZXiZY[ZZYgViZ#