4. AddhZc i]Z [^c\Zg adX` cjih! ijgc i]Z VY_jhi" bZci `cdWh id [^i i]Z [^c\Zgh hcj\ id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ!i]ZcgZ"i^\]iZci]ZadX`cjih#

Note: The fingers should be snug enough to fully support the workpiece at all three points and also allow free rotational movement of the workpiece.

5. AjWg^XViZ i]Z [^c\Zg i^eh l^i] Vc Vci^"hZ^oZ \gZVhZYjg^c\deZgVi^dc#

Note: After prolonged use, the fingers will require milling or filing to clean up the contact surface.

Follow Rest

I]Z[daadlgZhih]dlc^cFigure 31 ^hbdjciZYdc i]Z[gdcid[i]ZhVYYaZVcY[daadlhi]ZbdkZbZci d[i]Zidda#I]Z[daadlgZhi^hjhZYdcadc\!haZcYZg eVgihidegZkZci[aZm^c\d[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ[gdbi]Z egZhhjgZd[i]ZXjii^c\idda#I]^hgZhigZfj^gZhdcan ild[^c\ZghVhi]ZXjii^c\iddaVXihVhi]Zi]^gY#

Figure 31.;daadlgZhiViiVX]bZci#

I]Z [daadl gZhi XVc WZ ViiVX]ZY$gZbdkZY [gdb i]Z XVgg^V\Z Wn ild XVe hXgZlh adXViZY Vi i]Z WVhZd[i]Z[daadlgZhi#I]Zha^Y^c\[^c\ZghVgZhZi h^b^aVg id i]dhZ d[ i]Z hiZVYn gZhi [gZZ d[ eaVn WjicdiW^cY^c\#6alVnhajWg^XViZi]Zi^ehl^i]Vc Vci^"h^ZoZ \gZVhZ WZ[dgZ VcY Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc# GZbdkZi]Z[daadlgZhi[gdbi]ZhVYYaZl]Zccdi ^cjhZ#6[iZgegdadc\ZYjhZ!i]Z[^c\Zghl^aagZfj^gZ b^aa^c\dg[^a^c\idXaZVcjei]ZXdciVXihjg[VXZ#

Cross Slide

Handwheel Dial Increments Resolution

:VX]BVg`################################################# %#%%& DcZGZkdaji^dc##########################################%#%+%

I]Z Xgdhh ha^YZ h^ih Y^gZXian dc i]Z hVYYaZ VcY bdkZh eZgeZcY^XjaVg id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ l]Zc i]Z ]VcYl]ZZa^hgdiViZYhZZFigure 32#

8gdhhHa^YZ =VcYl]ZZa 9^Va

Figure 32.8gdhhha^YZ]VcY]lZZaVcYY^Va#

Note: The cross slide graduated dial is a 2:1 dial. The amount removed from the workpiece will be twice the actual distance the cross slide moves.

For example, if you wanted to remove 0.20" from the diameter of a workpiece, you would move the cross slide only 0.10".

The metal lathe repre- sents an entanglement hazard from rotating parts. Always tie back long hair, ponytails, loose clothing, and sleeves, and remove all jewelry.



Page 29
Image 29
Grizzly G9972Z owner manual Follow Rest, Cross Slide, Handwheel Dial Increments Resolution