Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious person- al injury.


;dg dei^bjb eZg[dgbVcXZ [gdb ndjg bVX]^cZ! [daadli]^hbV^ciZcVcXZhX]ZYjaZVcYgZ[ZgidVcn heZX^[^X^chigjXi^dch\^kZc^ci]^hhZXi^dc#

Daily Check:

™ AddhZbdjci^c\Wdaih#




Every 6–8 Hours of Operation: ™ 8aZVcaVi]Z#

™ AjWg^XViZaVi]ZPages 41–44#

After First Three Months and Annually:

™ 8]Vc\Z[ZZYgViZ\ZVgWdmd^aPage 42#


Cleaning &


™ 9^hXdccZXi i]Z aVi]Z [gdb edlZg WZ[dgZ XaZVc^c\#

™ KVXjjbZmXZhhbZiVaX]^ehVhi]ZnVXXjbj" aViZVcYl^eZd[[Wj^ai"je\g^bZ#

DO NOT use compressed air to blow away chips from the lathe to avoid the risk of flying metal debris injuring yourself or oth- ers, or driving the chips deep into the lathe mechanisms resulting in damage or prema- ture wear.

™ JhZ V Ygn Xadi] id l^eZ d[[ Vcn gZbV^c^c\ XddaVci Vi i]Z ZcY d[ i]Z YVn# BZiVa X]^eh hdV`ZY l^i] lViZg"WVhZY XddaVci aZ[i dc i]Z bVX]^cZl^aa^ck^iZdm^YVi^dcVcY\jbbngZh^" YjZidWj^aYjeVgdjcYbdk^c\eVgih#

™ ;daadl;ZYZgVa!HiViZ!VcYi]ZbVcj[VXijgZgh gZfj^gZbZcih id egdeZgan Y^hedhZ d[ jhZY XddaVciVcYXaZVc^c\egdYjXih

™ EgdiZXi i]Z jceV^ciZY bZiVa hjg[VXZhdci]Z aVi]ZWnl^e^c\i]ZbXaZVcVii]ZZcYd[deZg" Vi^dch# @ZZe i]ZhZ hjg[VXZh! ZheZX^Vaan i]Z WZYlVnh!gjhi"[gZZVcYldg`^c\hbddi]anl^i] gZ\jaVg Veea^XVi^dch d[ egdYjXih a^`Z BdYZa =-'*, Eg^bgdhZ 6gbdg EaViZ l^i] Bdan"9 BVX]^cZ VcY LVn D^a hZZ ACCESSORIES dcPage 37#


Page 42
Image 42
Grizzly G9972Z owner manual Maintenance, Schedule, Cleaning Protecting, Daily Check, After First Three Months and Annually