Site Considerations

Floor Load

GZ[Zgidi]ZMachine Data SheetdcPage 4 [dg i]Z lZ^\]i VcY [ddieg^ci heZX^[^XVi^dch d[ ndjg bVX]^cZ#HdbZgZh^YZci^Va[addghbVngZfj^gZVYY^" i^dcVagZ^c[dgXZbZciidhjeedgiWdi]i]ZbVX]^cZ VcYdeZgVidg#BV`ZhjgZi]Zldg`WZcX]dghiVcY ndjeaVcidjhZXVchV[Zan]VcYaZi]ZlZ^\]iVcY k^WgVi^dcd[i]ZaVi]ZVcYdeZgVi^dcVabViZg^Vah#

Placement Location

8dch^YZg Zm^hi^c\ VcY Vci^X^eViZY cZZYh! h^oZ d[ bViZg^VaidWZegdXZhhZYi]gdj\]ZVX]bVX]^cZ! VcY heVXZ [dg Vjm^a^Vgn hiVcYh! ldg` iVWaZh dg di]ZgbVX]^cZgnl]ZcZhiVWa^h]^c\VadXVi^dc[dg ndjgcZlbVX]^cZ#HZZFigure 5[dgi]Zb^c^bjb ldg`^c\XaZVgVcXZh#



Figure 5.B^c^bjbldg`^c\XaZVgVcXZh#

Children and visitors may be seriously injured if unsuper- vised around this machine. Lock entrances to the shop or disable start switch or power connection to prevent unsupervised use.

Moving & Placement

The Model G9972Z is a heavy machine. Serious personal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment rated for at least 750 lbs. to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate.

To move and place your lathe:

1. GZbdkZ i]Z ide VcY h^YZ XgVi^c\ bViZg^Vah! VcYi]ZX]^eeVc!)"_VlX]jX`![VXZeaViZ!VcY iddaWdm[gdbi]Zh]^ee^c\eVaaZi#

2. Edh^i^dci]ZX]^eeVcdci]ZhZaZXiZYbdjci" ^c\ hjg[VXZ VcY jhZ ^i Vh V iZbeaViZ id egZ" eVgZ ]daZh [dg i]Z bdjci^c\ ]VgYlVgZ gZ[Zg idMountingdcPage 13#

3. JhZ i]Z &,bb lgZcX] id gZbdkZ i]Z ]Zm cjihi]VihZXjgZi]ZaVi]Zidi]Zh]^ee^c\eVa" aZi#

Only use lifting straps and power lifting equipment rated for at least 750 lbs. and in good working condition. If the lathe falls or tips over while moving it, serious personal injury and property damage could result.



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Image 14
Grizzly G9972Z owner manual Site Considerations, Moving & Placement, Floor Load, Placement Location