4. LgVe i]Z a^[i^c\ higVeh VgdjcY i]Z WZY VcY WZilZZc i]Z aZVYhXgZl VcY i]Z WZYlVn! Vh h]dlc^cFigure 6#

Figure 6.A^[i^c\higVeedh^i^dch#


Make sure the lifting straps are between the leadscrew and bedway to avoid bending the leadscrew when lifting the lathe.

5. Edh^i^dci]Za^[i^c\higVehViZ^i]ZgZcYd[i]Z WZYlVn!i]ZchZXjgZi]Zbidi]Za^[i^c\Zfj^e" bZci#

6. L^i] i]Z ]Zae d[ Vc Vhh^hiVci id WVaVcXZ VcY hiZVYn i]Z adVY! a^[i i]Z aVi]Z VcY eaVXZ ^i dc i]Z X]^e eVc l^i] i]Z bdjci^c\ ]daZh Va^\cZY#

Note: If necessary, move the carriage or tailstock to help balance the load.

7. Id ZchjgZ VXXjgViZ gZhjaih [gdb ndjg aVi]Z! jhZVbVX]^c^hihegZX^h^dcaZkZaidbV`Zi]Z aVi]Z WZYlVn ZmVXian aZkZa [gdb h^YZ"id"h^YZ VcY [gdci"id"WVX`# >[ cZXZhhVgn! jhZ h]^bh WZilZZci]ZaVi]ZVcYX]^eeVc#

Note: Re-check the bedway after 24 hours, after two weeks, then annually to make sure it remains level.


I]Z higdc\Zhi bdjci^c\ dei^dc ^h V I]gdj\] Bdjcil]ZgZ]daZhVgZYg^aaZYVaai]ZlVni]gdj\] i]Z ldg`WZcX]! VcY ]Zm Wdaih! lVh]Zgh! VcY ]Zm cjih VgZ jhZY id hZXjgZ i]Z aVi]Z id i]Z ldg`WZcX]!Vh^aajhigViZY^cFigure 7#





;aViLVh]Zg AdX`LVh]Zg


Figure 7.:mVbeaZd[Vi]gdj\]bdjcihZije#

6cdi]Zg dei^dc [dg bdjci^c\ ^h V 9^gZXi Bdjci l]ZgZi]ZbVX]^cZ^hh^beanhZXjgZYidi]Zldg`" WZcX]l^i]VaV\hXgZl!Vh^aajhigViZY^cFigure 8#





Figure 8.:mVbeaZd[VY^gZXibdjcihZije#

Note: We recommend using a silicon sealant between the flat washers and the chip pan to avoid coolant or other fluids leaking through onto the bench or floor.



Page 15
Image 15
Grizzly G9972Z owner manual Mounting, 7dai AViLVhZg, AViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji, AV\HXgZl AViLVhZg