Adjust the front boom so that the bottom bracket axle is horizontal when you look at it from the front. For that purpose look beyond the bottom bracket shell at the rear wheel axle and align the front boom parallel to it.Align your eyes with the bottom bracket axle and not the front changer tube above.Then sit on your bicycle and check the position. (Hint: When you have the impression that the bottom bracket is turned alternately to the left and then to the right when cycling you will have found the correct middle position).
Tighten the screw with a torque wrench (tigh- tening torque
Danger!If the screw is tightened too much or bent, the screw can break! If the clamping is insufficient the front boom can turn during a ride which may cause your feet to slip from the pedals and lead to a dangerous fall.
In order to move the bottom bracket tube your specialist dealer has to adjust the chain length. By default the Street Machine GT comes with a very long chain so that the adjustment range of the bicycle can be fully used without the need to lengthen the chain.
After the first adjustment of the leg length that you have done together with your specialist dealer while handing over the bicycle, the chain has to be shortened so that the arm of the derailleur is not fully turned forward while shifting on the big chain ring in front and the big sprocket behind.The derailleur must still be able to compensate a length change of the chain of at least 4 cm. In order to choose the right chain length, please consult the manual of the derailleur manufacturer.
Danger! After the chain has been shortened it has to be closed with a special closing link or a chain riveting tool that expands the rivet while riveting (i.e. ROHLOFF- Revolver). A poorly joined chain may break and thus lead to a fall. Have adjustments of the chain length or the changing of the chain be done by your bicycle mechanic.
Caution! Take care that the chain tubes have at least a clearance of 5 cm (2") to the rear derailleur and the front changer even under maximum tension of the chain and that the tubes stay tight in their fastenings. Shorten the tubes if necessary. If the end of the chain tube gets into the rotating drive train it could be
Check that there is at least a 5 cm (2") clearance between the end of the chain tube and other parts of the drive train.
Adjusting your new bike
HPVelotechnik 9