In order to exchange single parts in the upper chain tubes cut the old tube at the retention spring at the chain roller and pull the remaining part off the spring. Now move the smooth part of the new tube through the spring and expand the tube end as described above.
Caution! The rear end of the upper chain tube has to be secured against moving with a cable tie that is wrapped around the tube near the retention spring.Without the cable tie the tube may be dragged forward into the turning chain guide and thus be damaged by the chain.
Changing the complete upper chain protection or the retention spring Disassemble the chain roller. For this purpose hold the nut on the left side of the frame with a ring spanner SW 13 and undo the screw in the chain roller with an Allen key SW 8.
Remember the exact position of the spacers. Take the bolt off the frame together with the chain roller. Between frame and chain roller is a spacer that is encased in a transparent plastic tube.
Take the retention spring off this spacer and put on the new retention spring.Turn the spring so that the retention springs run under the spacer to the tubes and the wires lie between frame and chain tube; that way the spirals look outwards.
Lubricate the shaft of the retaining bolt. Push the bolt through the chain roller, the washer, the chain retention hook and the spacer with the retention spring into the frame. Put on the washer on the left side, secure the thread with Loctite and tighten the nut with
Open the retention clips. On the bottom side of the clip there is a lid that is put over a hook.You can lift up the lid with a screwdriver and expand the clip. Change the lower chain tube and close the clips by fastening the lids over the hooks.
Maintenance and care
HPVelotechnik 39