Chain Tubes
Chain tubes
The chain protection tubes consist of Teflon, a long lasting plastic, that features very low fric- tion, slow wear and good noise damping.The tubes protect your clothes against the chain oil as well as the chain against dirt from the road.
The upper tubes are fastened with an interchangeable retention spring, the lower tube runs through an adjustable clip.
The tubes are worn by the chain and have to be cut at the ends and expanded again (or ex- changed) after
The intensity of the wear depends mainly on the chain type. Please see also the instructions on "Chain" on page 36.
In order to perform any work at the chain tubes you'll have to open the chain and finally close it again. Please see the instructions on "Chain" on page 36.
Caution! Take care that the chain tubes keep at least a 5 cm distance to the rear and front derailleur when the chain is stretched to the maximum, and that the tubes are well fastened. If necessary you will have to shorten the tubes. If the end of a chain tube gets into the rotating drive train it can be blok- ked and the chain tubes may be destroyed.
Expanding the tube ends
The ends of the tubes are expanded like a trumpet so that the chain can enter smoothly without friction and without making noises.
When the ends are worn out you can renew them through expansion. Remove the chain by opening the power link or open it with a special chain riveting tool. Cut the worn part of the tube exactly perpendicular with a sharp knife.
Heat the last
Take care that the tubes don't catch fire since burning Teflon develops toxic vapors.At any rate, work in a place with sufficient ventilation.
If the tube is too short after you have cut it so that there is not enough protection anymore it has to be replaced.You can buy spare tubes either as uncut tubes or already cut into the correct length, complete with retention spring from your specialist dealer.