Learning the new riding technique
Your new bicycle has been assembled by your dealer and adjusted together with you as described on the previous pages under "Adjusting your new bicycle". Before you mount your bike and enjoy your first ride please make yourself familiar with the instructions on the riding technique and the handling.
Learning the new riding technique
To ride this recumbent you will have to make yourself acquainted with the different riding position. Make sure that you and all other future users of this bicycle will have read this manual carefully prior to the first ride. If you are in doubt please consult your local dealer.
Before the first ride the users of this recumbent have to practice and make themselves familiar with the different handling.We recommend to practice on a quiet road away from traffic. Before you ride the bicycle in traffic you must master the handling completely.
Go to a road where you can ride straight ahead without being hindered. Hold your bike at the handlebars and pull a break.Then mount your bicycle and lean back. Leave one foot on the ground and put one on the pedal. Therefore rotate the crank in the top position so that you can pedal immediately with power.
Try to keep your balance in that position. Assure yourself that you can stop whenever you want to and hold the bicycle with one foot on the ground.When you feel safe put pressure on the pedal, loosen the brake, pedal with a lot of force and immediately put your second foot on the other pedal.
Do not care on which side of pedal you are currently pedaling in the beginning. Hold the handlebar loose but steady and accelerate with a few pedal strokes.Your bicycle needs speed to stabilize.
Look ahead in the direction where you want to ride, not on the handlebar, at your feet or the front wheel.
In order to stop brake carefully with both brakes until the bicycle has come to a complete stop. Only then do put a foot on the ground and keep the balance.
Danger! Never touch the ground with your feet while the bicycle is still moving.The feet could be caught on the ground and be pulled backwards which could lead to a serious in- jury.
Danger! With a compact recumbent like the Street Machine GT it is possible that a foot of the rider contacts the front wheel when riding sharp corners with a pedal in a low position.You will have to avoid this situation at all times since in extreme situations it may lead to a fall and injuries.
To control the bicycle you will therefore have to apply the following cornering techni- que: when you ride a curve stretch the leg on the inside of the curve, stop pedaling, only then start steering into the curve. Only when you ride straight ahead again should you resume pedaling.
Danger! Please note that due to your low seat height other road users may notice you very late. Ride anticipatory with this in mind. This is especially important while riding in darkness.You yourself have a much better view than others perceive you. Ride defensi- vely.We recommend you to mount a well visible and reflecting flag to the bicycle while using it in traffic. Please ask your dealer for more information.