Section 2 – Installation
Recreational Vehicle Generator Flexible Fuel Line
Use an approved flexible length of fuel hose between the generator fuel inlet connection and rigid fuel lines. This prevents breaking of the line caused by vibration, shifting, settling or movement. The follow- ing rules apply:
•The flexible hose must comply with SAE J30R7, “Standard for Fuel and Oil Hose.” It must be approved for use with gasoline and low perme- ability.
•The hose should be at least 6 inches (152 mm) longer than is needed to prevent the hose from rupturing if the generator shifts or settles.
The generator exhaust system must be safely and properly installed. Only approved mufflers and other exhaust system parts must be used. A properly installed exhaust system must be vapor tight, quiet and completely safe.
The generator engine gives off DEADLY carbon monoxide gas through its exhaust system. This dangerous gas, if breathed in sufficient con- centrations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. Never operate the generator set with the vehicle inside any garage or other enclosed area. DO NOT OPERATE THE GENERATOR IF THE EXHAUST SYSTEM IS LEAKING OR HAS BEEN DAMAGED. SYMPTOMS OF CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING ARE (a) inability to think coher- ently; (b) vomiting; (c) twitching muscles; (d) throbbing temples; (e) dizziness; (f) headaches;
(g) weakness; and (h) sleepiness. IF FEELING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS, MOVE INTO FRESH AIR IMMEDIATELY. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST, GET MEDICAL HELP. Do not operate the generator until its exhaust system has been inspected and properly repaired.
Never tee the generator engine exhaust pipe into the vehicle engine exhaust piping. This causes excessive back pressure on the generator engine. Also, water from one engine can dam- age the other engine.
This spark arrestor assembly meets code and stan- dard requirements of the U.S. Forest Service. Use only mufflers and parts approved by the manufactur- er. Any person(s) installing an unapproved muffler, or an unapproved exhaust system part, or modifying an exhaust system in any way that might cause a hazard, is liable for any damage, injury or warranty expense that might be caused by such unapproved installation or modification.
Failure to provide and maintain a spark arrestor may be in violation of the law. If this generator is used on any forest covered, brush covered or grass covered unimproved land, provide a spark arrestor. The vehi- cle owner or operator must maintain this device in good condition. In the state of California, the preced- ing is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have simi- lar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands.
When installing/replacing the tailpipe or spark arres- tor components, verify that the tailpipe has a hole to securely fasten the spark arrestor components (see Figures 2.11 and 2.12). Use only manufacturer supplied hardware. Substitution of parts may cause damage to the screen or a loose fit to the tailpipe.
Figure 2.11 - Spark Arrestor
P/N 0E0683
SCREEN P/N 089680
SCREW P/N 056892
Figure 2.12 — Spark Arrestor Installation
27.4 [1.08"] I.D.
40 [1.58"]