Equipment misuse can cause the equipment to rupture, malfunction, or start unexpectedly and result in serious injury.
0This equipment is for professional use only.
0Read all instruction manuals, tags, and labels before operating the equipment.
•Use the equipment only for its intended purpose. If you are in doubt about this, call your Grace distributor.
0Do not alter or modify this equipment. Use only genuine Grace parts and accessories.
0Check equipment daily. Repair or replace worn or damaged parts immediately.
0Do not exceed the 100 psi (6.9 bar) maximum working pressure at 100 psi (6.9 bar) maxi- mum incoming air pressure of the package or the maximum working pressure of any accesso- ry used with it.
0Do not move or lift pressurized equipment.
0Use fluids or solvents that are compatible with equipment wetted parts. See the Technical Data section of all equipment manuals. Read the fluid and solvent manufacturer’s warnings.
0Fluid hoses must have spring guards on both ends to protect them from rupture caused by kinks or bends at or close to the couplings.
0Comply with all applicable local, state, and national fire, electrical, and other safety regulations.
Improper handling of hazardous fluids or inhaling toxic fumes can cause extremely serious injury or death from splashing in the eyes, ingestion, or bodily contamination.
•Know the specific hazards of the fluid you are using.
•Store hazardous fluid in an approved container. Dispose hazardous fluid according to all local, state,
• Wear appropriate clothing, gloves, eyewear, and respirator. | . |
•If the pump diaphragm fails, hazardous fluid may be exhausted along with the air. See your sepa- rate pump manual for further information.