Chapter 6 Page 129
Logic buttonsStatistics buttons
Shifts the value to the left and fills the new places with
Enters D in a hexadecimal calc ulation.
Enters E in a hexadecimal calculation.
Enters F in a hexadecimal calculation.
Calculates bit-by-bit commonalities between two
Calculates bit-by-bit unique occurrences in two
Shifts the sign bi t to the right in s igned mode.
Enters A in a hexadecimal calculation.
Enters B in a hexadecimal calculation.
Enters C in a hexadecimal calculation.
Calculates the inverse of each bit of the argument.
Calculates the exclusive OR between two arguments.
Adds the current value to the end of the statistics
memory list. You can store up to 200 values.
Calculates the mean of the values in the statistics
memory list.
Calculates the standard deviation based on a population
of n.
Calculates the standard deviation based on a population
of n-1.
Calculates the sum of the values in the statistics memory