You can store assignments for up to four different days. Each day’s assignments can have up to 50 characters.
1.Press ON and ENTER (or press QUIT once or twice if you are using another file) to access the Menu.
2.Use the ARROW KEYS to select the HOMEWORK icon. Press ENTER.
3.The screen will prompt
4.Type your assignments - up to 50 characters per file. You are allowed four different entries (files). Press ENTER.
5.To view the file, press and
6.To add assignments, access the file and key in new assignments. Press ENTER.
7.To change assignments in file, press EDIT; see page 14.
8.Press DELETE to erase homework file.
9.Type the first word of the file and press SEARCH to find a specific file.
10.Press QUIT to return to the HOMEWORK? prompt. Press QUIT twice to return to Menu.
NOTE: Press QUIT once or twice at any time to return to Menu.