DIVA T/A PC Card User’s Guide 18
Windows NT 3.51
If you are going to use the DIVA T/A with RAS, RAS must already
be installed with at least one modem (any modem will do, it is only
needed to install the DIVA T/A and will late r be removed). If this is
the case, follow the steps below. If you are not going to use RAS,
continue at “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.
Shutdown Windows NT and turn off your PC. After connecting
the cables (see “Connecting the Cables” on page 8), insert the
DIVA T/A, label side up, into the PC Card slot.
Start your computer and allow Windows NT to start.
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
Open any text editor.
Using your text editor, open the file MODEM.INF found in the
Windows\System32\RAS directory.
Open the file WFWNTEIC.INF found on the DIVA T/A CD
(\WIN 32).
Copy the contents of WFWNTEIC.INF and append it to the end
of the MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file,
and exit your text editor.
You must now start the RAS setup program. From the Control
Panel, double-click the Network icon. From the Installed
Network Software list, select Remote Acc ess Service and click
From the RAS setup, remove the unused modem or any other
devices that use the same COM port as the DIVA T/A, add the
DIVA T/A, and then exit RAS. Refer to th e RAS online help for
removing and adding modems.
After exiting the RAS setup, you are prompted to reboot your
PC. Click OK and allow your PC to reboot and Windows NT to
restart. To shutdown the RAS server, double-click the Remote
Access Admin icon in the Remote Access Service program
group. From the Remote Access Admin Server menu select
“Stop Remote Access Server”, and then exit the Remote Access
Admin program.
Continue at “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.