DIVA T/A PC Card User’s Guide 76
Automated SPID Selection

(AutoSPID) (North America only)

AutoSPID is a new National ISDN protocol feature that enables the
DIVA T/A to download a list of Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs),
Directory Number (DN) and Call Type (CT) information from the
ISDN line. It also enables the DIVA T/A to de termine whether other
devices currently initialize the SPIDs.
Note: Check with your ISDN service provider to determine if they
support the AutoSPID feature.
This feature eliminates the need for you to configure any ISDN
AutoSPID works in the following manner:
If there are no SPIDs configured, or if current SPIDs are incorrectly
configured, then AutoSPID attempts to determine and then assign
SPIDs and DNs to the location designated to store the AutoSPID
If AutoSPID fails to detect the SPIDs, try entering the DNs (in a 10-
digit format) and the DIVA T/A will attempt to perform generic
SPID guessing.
Unless the SPIDs and DNs are configured correctly (whether
through AutoSPID, SPID guessing, or manually) ISDN will fail to
initialize (the D-LED flashes).
The only way to use the DIVA T/A without using SPIDs is to
configure the port as a Non-Initializ ing Terminal. Refer to the next
section “Non-Initializing Terminal Mode” , for more information.