DIVA T/A PC Card User’s Guide 19
Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11
Note: If you are installing the DIVA T/A on a system without a CD
drive, it is possible to make disks from the DIVA T/A CD on another
machine. To create the disks, follow the instructions in the
MAKEDISK.TXT file located in the \WIN16\MAKEDI SK directory of
your DIVA T/A CD.
If you are going to use the DIVA T/A with RAS for WFW, RAS must
already be installed with at least one modem (any modem will do, it is
only needed to properly install the DIVA T /A and will later be
removed). If you are not going to use RAS, continue at “Installing the
DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.
After connecting the cables (See “Connecting the Cables” on
page 8), start your computer. After Windows has started, insert
the DIVA T/A label side up, into the PC Card Slot.
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer's CD drive, or the
DIVA T/A Win 3.x Setup disk 1 into your diskette drive.
With any text editor, open the file MODEM.INF found in the
Windows/System directory.
Open the file WFWNTEIC.INF found on the DIVA T/A CD
(\WIN16) or diskette.
Copy the contents of WFWNTEIC.INF to the end of the
MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file, and
exit your text editor.
Start the RAS setup program.
From the RAS setup, change the unused modem to the
DIVA T/A. Refer to the RAS online help to change modems.
Go to the section “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 20.