Black spots or horizontal streaks may appear, picture may flutter or drift. Usually caused by interference from automobile ignition systems, neon lamps, electrical drills and other electrical appliances.
Ghosts are caused by the Rear Projection Television signal following two paths. One is the direct path and the other is reflected from tall buildings, hills or some other objects. Changing the direction or position of the antenna may improve reception. Ghosting may also be caused by defects in the antenna system such as unshielded leads or connecting several sets to the same antenna without using multiple antenna couplers.
If your receiver is located in the fringe area of a television station where the signal is weak, your picture may be marred by the appearance of small dots. When the signal is extremely weak, it may be necessary to install a special antenna to improve the picture.
The interference produces moving ripples or diagonal streaks and in some cases, causes loss of contrast in the picture.
NOTE: The Rear Projection Television can generate sound distortion in external devices such as a radio. Please separate radio equipment from the Rear Projection Television to a considerable distance.
NOTE: The Rear Projection Television has the nature that some pixels do not always work correctly. That is, some are lit and some are not. This is not a problem.
The screen surface is easily scratched. Do not rub, touch or tap it with sharp or abrasive objects. Be especially careful when transporting the Rear Projection Television.
Do not expose the screen to direct sunlight. It may damage the panel. When the Rear Projection Television is used in a cold place, the image may look lengthened. This is not a malfunction. The image will become normal when the temperature rises.
When the same static picture has been displayed continuously, an afterimage impression of that picture may remain on the screen. This will disappear after a certain period of time.
If you turn on the Rear Projection Television immediately after power has been restored at an interruption, burn may occur. This is not a malfunction. The image will become normal after a certain period of time.
If the Rear Projection Television is transported directly from a cold to a warm location or if the room temperature has changed suddenly, the picture may be blurred or show poor color. This is because moisture has condensed on the lenses inside. If this happens, let the moisture evaporate before using the Rear Projection Television.