Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
The Flags field is as follows:
Bit 15 - Third Party Originator Process Associator Valid
When set to one, the Third Party Originator Process Associator field of this Service Parameter page is valid.
Bit 14 - Responder Process Associator Valid
When set to one, the Responder Process Associator field of this Service Parameter page is valid.
Bit 13 - Third Party Originator N_Port ID Valid
When set to one, the Third Party N_Port ID field of this Service Parameter page is valid.
Bit 12 - Global Process Logout
When set to one, all established image pairs for all N_Ports with which Process Login has been performed will be
removed. This will be as if all N_Ports that had previously executed a Process Login (i.e. PRLI) with the drive had
now executed the PRLO ELS. When this bit is set, only one logout parameter page shall be transmitted, and only the
TYPE Code and the TYPE Code Extension fields shall have meaning.
Bits 11-0 - Reserved
The Third Party Originator Process Associator identifies a group of related processes (an 'image') within the originator.
The Responder Process Associator identifies a group of related processes (an 'image') within the responder.
The Third Party N_Port ID specifies the N_Port associated with the image to be removed. Third Party Process Logout Response Service Parameter page
Table 72:Logout Response Service Parameter page
The TYPE Code field for SCSI-FCP is 08h, and the TYPE Code Extension field is 00h.
The Flags field is as follows:
Bit 15 - Third Party Originator Process Associator Valid
The drive returns 0b in this field.
Bit 14 - Responder Process Associator Valid
The drive returns 0b in this field.
Bit 13 - Third Party Originator N_Port ID Valid
The drive will echo this bit from the TPRLO payload. It is not valid when the Global Process Logout flag is set to
Byte Item Size (Bytes) Drive Response
0 TYPE Code 1 08h
1 TYPE Code Extension 1 00h
2-3 Flags 2 XX 00h
4-7 Third Party Originator Process Associator 4 00 00 00 00h
8-11 Responder Process Associator 4 00 00 00 00h
12 Reserved 1 00h
13-15 Third Party Originator N_Port ID 3 XX XX XXh