Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
341 Reassign a Physical SectorThe Drive determines the need to reassign physical sectors based on error activity. Once a physical sector requires reassign-
ment, the Drive will either reassign the physical sector, or recommend to the initiator that the LBA associated with the physical
sector be reassigned.
When the following Sense Key, Additional Sense Code, and Additional Sense Code Qualifier combinations are returned, the
initiator should reassign the LBA reported at the next opportunity.
Note: In Table263, the Key, Code, and Qualifier fields are all hex values (i.e., Sense Key 1 is 1h, Sense Code 17 is 17h,
Table 263:Recommend Reassign Errors
To reassign an LBA that has sense data recommending a reassignment, the initiator should:
1. Attempt to recover the data from the sector being reassigned with a Read (08) or Read (28) command.
2. Reassign the LBA using the Reassign Blocks (07) command.
- If the reassignment completes successfully (Good Status), log the error in the system error log.
- If the reassignment completes unsuccessfully (Check Condition Status), follow the procedure in Section,
“Reassign Blocks Recovery” on page 342.
3. Write the LBA that was reassigned. Data Error LoggingThe Drive will report data errors to the initiator that do not require immediate action (successful auto reallocation, successful
auto rewrite, or no action needed on this occurrence). The initiator should log these errors in the system error log. No other
action is required.
Table 264:Log Only Errors
Key Code Qual Description
1 17 07 Recovered Data without ECC - Recommend Reassignment
1 18 05 Recovered Data with ECC - Recommend Reassignment
Key Code Qual Description
1 16 00 Data Synchronization Mark Error
1 17 01 Recovered Data with Retries
1 17 06 Recovered Data without ECC - Auto Reallocated
1 17 09 Recovered Data without ECC - Data Rewritten
1 18 00 Recovered Data with ECC
1 18 02 Recovered Data with ECC - Auto Reallocated
1 18 07 Recovered Data with ECC - Data Rewritten