Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
19.25 READ LONG (3E)
Table 199:READ LONG (3E)
The READ LONG command requests the drive to transfer one block of data to the Initiator. The transfer data includes data and
ECC field data.
Correct bit of zero causes the logical block to be read without any correction attempts. When the bit is one, data will
be corrected with offline ECC correction before being transferred.
Logical Block Address field specifies the logical block at which the read operation shall occur.
Byte Transfer Length field must specify exactly the number of bytes of data that are available for transfer. If a non-
zero byte transfer length does not match the available data length, the Target terminates the command with Check
Condition status, the sense key is set to Illegal Request, and an additional sense code set to Invalid Field in CDB.
The valid and ILI bits are set to one and the information field is set to the difference of the requested length minus the
actual length in bytes. Negative values are indicated by two's complement notation.
The transfer length is calculated as follows:
transfer length = logical block size + 56
The data read by this command is neither read from nor retained in the cache.
Byte Bit
7654321 0
0 Command Code = 3Eh
1 Reserved = 0 Reserved = 0
= 0
Logical Block Address
6 Reserved = 0
7-8 (MSB) Byte Transfer Length
9 VU = 0 Reserved = 0 FLAG LINK