1.5 Profibus-DP Supported Version
After Manufacturing number :
(Note) Manufacturing number is written in specifications label on main body of SJ300/L300Pseries. Refer to figure
(Figure1-2, 1-3 are the example of SJ300 series. L300P series are the same manner as SJ300 series.)
Specifications label
Figure 1-2 Position of specifications label
Inverter model
Maximum applicable motor
Input ratings
Output ratings
Manufacturing number | 118KT12345 10001 | 0101 |
Figure 1-3 Contents of specifications label
1.6 Technical features of Profibus-DP
•Physical media: EIA RS 485 twisted pair cable or fiber optic.
•Baud rate: 9.6 kbaud up to 12Mbaud.
•Maximum number of nodes: 126
•Maximum number of I/O: 244 bytes/slave.
•Bus topology:
•Cyclic user data transfer between
•Connecting or disconnecting stations without affecting other stations.
•Powerful diagnosis mechanisms, 3 hierarchical levels of the diagnosis messages.
•Synchronization of inputs and/or outputs.
•All messages are transmitted with Hamming Distance HD=4.